Klara from Click Your Heels With Me emailed me asking if she could review a Lush product for you. Everybody loves Lush, so here it is! :)
Before we get started I should introduce myself. My name is Klara and my blog is Click Your Heels With Me. I’ve only been blogging for a couple of months but have enjoyed reading Frances’s Blog for a while now. So when Frances posted asking for guest bloggers I thought this would be a perfect way to get some more experience.
Anyway enough with the waffle and onto the review! I am going to be reviewing for you LUSH’s BIG Shampoo. This is a product I’ve been using on and off for over a year, I think it is brilliant and I would like to share it with you guys.
LUSH describes the product as “Giving limp hair the volume it deserves with seaweed infusion to soften hair and citrus juices for shine. After using BIG, your hair will be bouncing back to life.” The Shampoo contains coarse sea salt to maintain the moisture balance of your skin, lime juice to promote shine and seaweed infusion to strengthen the hair from root to tip.
The product comes in a big 330g black tub. I find this a little awkward to use in the shower, I prefer shampoos in a bottle but the consistency of the product lends itself to this packaging. The best way I can describe the consistency is watered down jelly with sea salt chunks in. It’s a little unusual but you get used to it. The smell is beautiful it has a very clean, crisp, slightly citrusy smell which I adore however the smell doesn’t linger once the hair is dried.
I use just under a teaspoon of product to wash my hair. My hair is a bit past my shoulders at the moment. I don’t recommend this product for daily use as the sea salt content can be drying on your hair when used too often. I reserve this for a weekly clarifying hair treatment as it really works to remove build-up in your hair and leaves it looking shiny and voluminous.
The major downside to this product is the price. In Australia it is $25.95/330g, the UK £10.95/330g and US $24.95/330g. If you’re only using the product once or twice a week you can make it last.
LUSH also has a program where if you collect 5 black pots you can return them to LUSH getting a free fresh facemask. So it’s worth keeping the empties!
If you’ve tried this product before let me know what you think in the comment section below.
Finally I’d just like to say a big Thank-you to Frances for allowing me to do this guest blog post.
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