About Me


I'm Frances, a 20-something-year-old Media Professional Studies graduate hailing from a town called Warrington in the Northwest of England, although I seem to have left my heart in Liverpool somewhere during my studies. I have a thing for pugs, cats, pyjama bottoms and watches, and I own more perfume and sunglasses than I will ever need but my collection will never stop growing. A sufferer of wanderlust, I constantly yearn for adventures and experiencing new cultures. Trying to keep it real, dabbling in various areas of the fashion and media industries, even though secretly I wish I was a rock star.

My self-titled blog (my creative juices mustn't have been flowing right that day), Frances Cassandra, acts as an outlet for my passions for writing, fashion and life. Started in November, 2011 on a whim whilst I was tucked up in my university halls watching the likes of Fleur De Force and Zoella on YouTube instead of writing that essay about interactive media, blogging was nothing but something to pass the time.

Three years have flown by since then and I have found myself with an even stronger love and knowledge for fashion, a new found passion for fitness and health and a penchant for the little things in life. Dressing inappropriately for the weather and posing for photographs in public is second nature to me, and whacking out my camera on casual outings is something that my friends and family will have to get used to. Frances Cassandra is an extension of my heart, mind and soul expressed through my fingertips, and I love every moment I spend on it.
