Saturday, 17 December 2011

100 Things: 21- 30

Part three of the list of things I like/ that make me happy :) 
All photos were found on We Heart It

21. Being wrapped up warm when it is raining outside.

22. Bailey's Hot Chocolate.

23. Scented candles/ oil burners

24. Back rubs/ massages.

25. Watching it snow outside.

26. Chinese food.

27. Getting dressed up.

28. Scents that remind you of something/ someone.

29. Receiving phone calls "just to say hello".

30. Shopping.

Right, girls, I'm having a major falling out with Blogger at the moment. A lot of the blogs I'm following aren't showing up in my Reading List, so I am missing a lot of posts. They will show up every now and then, but half of them will disappear again. It's driving me insane, does this happen to anybody else?


  1. I love random phone calls too! And I'm having the same problem with blogger :( xx

  2. Hmmm the food looks so yummy! I want Chinese food now. Love the Yankee candles also, hopefully I will get one for Xmas. Great blog! X

  3. I love these pictures, they make me feel all christmassy :)


  4. I agree with you on all of these!
    You've made me want a Baileys now, I have some in my fridge :-D

    Holli x

  5. @Jen: :( It's such a pain, needs sorting out! x

    @Lola Loves: I'm craving Chinese food too haha! I've never actually tried Yankee Candles yet but I really want to! x

    @Pretty Little Dolly: Me too haha, I was thinking that this weeks list had a very Christmassy feel to it as I was writing it :) x

    @Holli: I'm jealous that you have Baileys, I need to go out and buy some! x

  6. Being inside when it's raining outside is the best feeling ever!

  7. I did a post similar to this, if you want to check it out :)!

    Completely agree with these - phonecalls just to say hello & back rubs :) xxx

  8. Great blog i really like it!

  9. mmmm can't beat bailey's hot chocoalte and watching it snow!

    And I do agree with GFC. It sucks at the mo! :(


  10. @Cherry: Definitely! x

    @Melanie: Cool, I'll check it out :) x

    @Anita: Thank you! :) x

    @Jules: You can't! Haha, I know, it's seriously driving me mad! x

  11. this is a lovely list, agree with all of the things mentioned :)
    am also having the same issues with blogger atm, fingers crossed it gets fixed soon!

  12. Got to agree with you on a lot of these! Especially shopping haha. That pic of the hot chocolate has made me crave it now...

  13. Great list, I love that mug! x

  14. @T.Rose: Aww it's not cool :( At least I'm not the only one though! x

    @Victoria: Haha what girl doesn't love shopping? I really want one now too! x

    @Dollyfaces: I love that mug as well haha, it's why I chose that picture :) x

  15. Ahh I love all these things too, some lovely picture :) xxx

  16. Oh this is such a lovely post!
    I've got a bit of an obsession with scented candles etc.!
    Great post!

  17. yeah big jewellery is quite "not comfy" . in college i get fed up with it since i cant write becouse of chunky rings or i dip them in paint haha

    god, all of those points here i fancy right now actually haha :D

  18. I love each and every one of these, I'm a new follower so about to go and read the first two of these posts :) and yeah.. lots of Blogs don't/rarely show up in my reading list too xoxo

  19. @Katharine: Thank youu :) x

    @Lions and Makeup: Thank you :) I need to go out and buy some, I don't have any at the moment :( x

    @Suzanne: Haha yeah, I'm always having to take my two finger rings off because I can't write! I'm really wanting chinese food and a Bailey's hot chocolate right now but I don't have either :( aha x

    @Lucy: Aw thank you! It's such a pain! x

  20. Great post, so inspirational!
    I’m definitely going to have to visit more often.

    I hope you can check mine and follow me

  21. Mmm, baileys hot chocolate.. I wonder if we still have some kahlua in the fridge. :P Great post babe! x

  22. Thanks for always leaving lovely comments on my blog! I'm now following yours and having a good browse through all your posts =) Gem xx

  23. @MolDiva: Thank youu! x

    @Felicity: Ooh, they're lush aren't they haha, thank you :) x

    @flutter and sparkle: Aw thank you, lovely! x

  24. I love this!! i think we have alot in common!! Merry Christmas!

  25. Great list! love reading posts like these:)
    just followed x

  26. @Corryn: Thank you :) Merry Christmas! x

    @Debbie: Thank youu! :) x

  27. yes it happens to me all the time! I'm following about 100+ blogs but it only shows about 10! and then I forget the names of some that I really like and can't find them again :(
    if anyone finds out how to fix this plz tweet me @rosielizziebeth cos it's really upsetting me! lol
    Love, Rosie x

  28. @Rosie: Exactly, it's so annoying! :( I'd love to know if this can be fixed too haha x


Please leave a comment, I read every single one and they absolutely make my day! I try to answer all questions but please allow me up to 48 hours to do so! If you have a question you want answering straight away, feel free to email me or contact me via Twitter :) x