Sunday, 15 April 2012

Week in Instagrams #9 + BB Afternoon Tea!

I've managed to take quite a few Instagram photos this week, whilst trying to avoid doing my university assignments. As soon as I publish this post I have to confine myself from any social activity and dive in to the dark realms of uni work :( With 4,000 words to write in three days, I know I will be kicking myself for leaving it so late (again) later.

1. Love getting things in the post! Recently it seems I get more mail than my parents, oh how things have changed!

2. The Montagne Jeunesse products that I am trying out for you all! You can read my first review here.

3. Been shoving my hair up in a top knot quite a bit lately. I'm really self concious when I have my hair up, I think I have a head like a potato.

4 & 5. Went for a lovely meal at Little Frankies with an old girl friend. I had stuffed mushrooms and a chicken and bacon philly wrap with chips. Yum!

6. Helped my grandparents clear out their cupboards on Thursday and came across my dad's High School reports! Had a good giggle flicking through them haha.

7. The dinner that my grandma cooked for me. Cheeseburger and chips; so good!

8. Does anybody remember these Micropetz? I must have had this for nearly ten years.

The next few photos are from the Beauty Bloggers Afternoon Tea which I attended in Sheffield yesterday. I originally planned on doing a whole separate post on it but I ended up having to dash off early and didn't take any photos on my camera :( We met at the Oasis eating area in Meadowhall where Lizzie was waiting with huge goodie bags for us all! We had a bite to eat and then went for a mooch around the shops. I bought a few things from Primark that I will probably show you in the next couple of days :)

9. My sparkly pink NOTD :)

10. All ready to go! I must admit, I didn't enjoy the train journey. Train journeys that are more than half an hour bore me so much :(

11. The goodie bags that Lizzie kindly put together for us! They were really pretty.

12. A giant Yorkshire Pudding for lunch :)

13. Three girls didn't show up so there were a few goodie bags left over. We ended up emptying them and sharing the contents between each other.

I had a lovely time and it was exciting to finally meet a few other bloggers :) Here are the lovely ladies that I met, make sure you check out their blogs!

Jess @ Just Jesss

14. This is what I get to look at for the rest of today :( not my idea of a relaxing Sunday afternoon!

Have you all had a good week and Easter break? Who is back to school tomorrow?


  1. Aww lovely photos :) your hair looks rally nice up, I always prefer mine down but been quite lazy lately so end up sticking it up in a bun lol.


    1. Aww thanks lovely :) I've never really liked my hair up but it's getting so much effort to manage lately haha! x

  2. Oh I so know how you feel with uni work! I left mine all behind so have done nothing over the holidays. S'gunna be a busy month :/

    1. I'm having such a nightmare with it :( I'll never learn haha x

  3. Was lovely to meet u hun! You truly do have a fab blog! xx

    1. It was lovely to meet you too! Thank you! :) x

  4. Those stuffed mushrooms just look beyond amazing! x

  5. Great post! Looks like you've had a great week! I bet Bloggers afternoon tea was good

    1. It was great meeting some other bloggers, hope I can do it again soon! :) x

  6. Looks like you had alot of fun! I love train journeys! I don't know why I just enjoy them! :Px

    1. Haha sometimes they're alright, but I get bored really easily and don't like sitting still :( haha x

  7. I always love having a snoop at these posts, even though I see each photo on Instagram!!
    So glad that you had a lovely day at the blogger meet up, I put my name down ages ago but I couldn't go in the end, but told Liz WAY before!!

    1. Oh noo, really? It would have been so nice to meet you! x

  8. Yeah, 4000 words to write by Tuesday, and here I am commenting on blogs... Funny, eh? ;) Aww, the afternoon tea looks like so much fun! I love meet ups :)

    1. Haha yeah, blogging is so distracting! I can't wait for the Liverpool meet up now! :) x

  9. You look gorgeous with your hair up stunner! I also want all the food you've had this week ha-ha :)


    1. Aww thank you lovey :) Ah it was so good haha, I want it all over again! x


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