Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Wednesday Wishlist #8

There are so many things that I fell in love with in the New Arrivals sections this week, I think I am having a bit of a mental breakdown over the fact that I can't afford to buy much over the next couple of weeks :( I managed to whittle my huge list down to just six things, although a Weekend Wishlist may just make an appearance this week, due to the ridiculous amount of beautiful things that I found!

I want this entire collection simply because of their names. As a former dancer anything like this sucks me in! My two favourite shades are the one pictured, Care to Danse is a very sheer lilac shade, and Pirouette My Whistle is a beautiful, subtle silver glitter. I can't find anywhere to buy the individual full size bottles online in the UK so could anybody tell me if they have been released here yet? I did find a set of four minis on Amazon though which I am tempted by so that I can just try the shades.

Another pair of shorts! I have no idea what it is with me and shorts lately, but how freakin' cute are these? I love the colours in the aztec print and the stud detail in the pocket. There are quite a few styles of shorts like this on Missguided at the moment that I really love!

3. Striped Bralet £16.99
Bralets seem to be coming out everywhere at the moment and I have been wating one forever, but the ones that you find in Topshop and Miss Selfridge seem really overpriced, but now New Look has joined the bandwagon and there are quite a few lovely bralets available ranging from just £7.99-16.99. This one is my favourite but it is sold out in my size! Booo! :(

Another item that is sold out in my size, New Look, why do you do this to me?! :( I have been looking for a nice pair of day time heels for a while and these are perfect. If anybody knows where I can get a pair similar, let me know!

5. Dipped Hem Skirt £35.00
I have been loving the dipped hem skirts/dresses that have been everywhere lately and I have no idea why I don't own one yet! I'm sure I can find one cheaper than this but I like that this has an underskirt, I have seen quite a few that don't! I can't decide whether I like this nude colour, black or peach/pink best!

6. Lace Trim Socks £4.00
This might seem like a weird one to some of you, how old am I, four? I have seen quite a few people wear these with a nice pair of heels, paired with a cute dress or shorts, and want to see if I can pull off the trend myself. I think it looks really pretty :)

So if anybody fancies buying me something off this list, I would love you forever ;)  Haha, I'm joking, but I hate having no money! :(


  1. I love everything :) my wish list just got bigger! Haha. The striped bralet is definitely at the top of the list, how cute is that?! xx

    1. Haha! :) So cute, isn't it? Need to find a substitute though, as most sizes are out of stock :( x

  2. Man I want it all! Especially the shorts, I love the aztec print xx

  3. great collection there! another amazing pair of wedges...i need to start buying some new shoes yay!

    1. Buy me a pair? Haha, I need those wedges a bit more each time I look at them! x

  4. nice skirt)

  5. I love the dipped hem skirt! It looks so pretty and girly! :) xx

    1. I know, I've had my eye on a dipped hem skirt for ages! :) x

  6. The Missguided shorts are amazing! x

  7. I love the dipped hem skirt! I can't wait to get my hands on the OPI Ballet colletion too. All the shades look beautiful xx

    1. It's so pretty, isn't it? And I love how sheer all the OPI Ballet Collection nail polishes look, they definitely match the theme! x

  8. love the shorts! xx

  9. #3 is so freaking cute. I would rock it if I werent so pregnant.


    1. Aww haha I'm sure you can rock it after your pregnancy! :D x

  10. That skirt is amazing!

  11. Great wishlist. I particularly love the shorts and the skirt, they'd look amazing on you x


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