Sunday, 1 April 2012

Week in Instagrams #7

I didn't actually do as much as I wanted to this week, but I did manage to take quite a few Instagram photos anyway :) Most of them were taken on Tuesday when the weather was so hot and sunny. It was glorious on Sunday and Monday too but I was stuck at home on those days :( On another note, I also finished university for Summer on Thursday. Yes, my course leaders are that sick of us that they're not bothering pulling us back after Easter ;) I have a couple of assignments to submit in the next two weeks but apart from that I am free until September, which hopefully means more blogging! :D


1. Just a quick FOTN from when I went out in the previous week.

2. Went for a lovely summery walk on Tuesday with a friend. We walked for miles, was definitely a good work out!

3. Bared the legs outside for the first time this year. Managed to get a bit of a tan, too! :)

4. A sunglasses shot. I never know what to do with my face in shots like this aha!

5. Ice creeaaam!

6. When we got back into town we treated ourselves to a Wetherspoons dinner to refuel. Was definitely needed!

7. My friend definitely caught the sun haha!

8. Got a sudden craving for some chocolate cake late in the evening, so I ran down to the shop before it shut and bought this.

9. Eek, I had chocolate cake two days in a row! Aha, this time I tried one of those five minute chocolate cake in a mug recipes. It was yummy :)

10. I definitely need to start carrying make-up wipes in my bag...

11. After swatching everything in Superdrug, I settled on these. Review coming soon!

What have you all been up to this week? Have you all been making the most of the sunny weather?
If you want to follow me on Instagram, I am @francescassandra :)


  1. Loving your Instagram pictures :) I really want to try those Maybelline Color Tattoos, they look amazing :) Xoxo, Christine♥

    1. Thank you, lovely :) The Color Tattoos are so good! x

  2. Great photos! Looking forward to the Color Tattoo review! :)

    1. Thanks! The review should be up tomorrow or Tuesday :) x

  3. Lovely photos! Can't wait for the Maybelline review, i saw them in superdrug the other day and was debating whether or not to buy some..!x

    1. Thank you! :) The Maybelline review should be up tonight, I love them :) x

  4. Your friends sunburn looks so painful! Ouch!
    I could eat that chocolate cake right now! xx

    1. I know haha, it wasn't too painful when I took it though as it had only just started to turn red :P x

  5. i cant wait til instagram comes out for android. Those shorts are so cute I cant stand it!! >__< lol thx!

    1. I think it's great that Instagram is coming to Android :) Aww haha thank you! x

  6. You are gorgeous and I love these photos.


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