Thursday, 26 April 2012

Chalk Pastel Highlights.

If you follow me on Instagram or on my personal Twitter account you may have seen this photo of my pastel highlights. So many people have asked me if they are real haha, and no, they're not. I am far from being brave enough to bleach my hair and stick lots of different coloured dyes in it haha!

I had seen this chalking method on a couple of other blogs recently, and was rather intrigued by it, so when I stumbled across my old chalk pastels from when I studied art in college, I decided to give it a go.

To achieve this pastel highlight look, you dampen a piece of chalk (you can also dampen your hair a little bit) and run it down the length of your hair. You can then wait for your hair to dry and then seal the colour in using your hair straighteners. I like the pastel look on curled hair, when the strands of colour are intertwined with your natural colour.

 Excuse my naked face haha, I wasn't going anywhere!

I personally wouldn't wear this look out, it's far too messy, so if you do, make sure you wear dark colours or put your hair up- the top I'm wearing in these pictures definitely took a battering! I wouldn't recommend doing this if you or other people will be in contact with your hair, the powder does still transfer when touched. The chalk also made my hair feel so dry and matted (hence why my hair is out of control in the picture), which was expected, after all you are applying a powder to your hair which will just suck up all those oils. The beauty of this method, however, is it washes straight out, so if you are just wanting a pop of colour for a night out, a fancy dress party or a photo shoot, then this will give you exactly that, no commitment. It also works on dark hair, as you can see! So when you wash it out, make sure you give your hair a good conditioning treatment afterwards to restore the moisture.

Have you ever tried this? Or are you brave enough to do the real thing?


  1. This looks really lovely on you, I always wondered if this look would work on darker hair colours, and you have definitely confirmed it does :)

    Laura xoxo

  2. I have some chalk pastels at home too, back from A level art.I will delve under my bed and find them out when I'm back at home as I'm away at University at the moment.

    Cannot wait to give this a whirl :D

    Amy x

    1. Haha do it! May as well put them back in to use :P :) x

  3. That's actually an amazing idea.. definitely works better than bleaching and colouring and discovering it's not the look for you!

    1. I agree, it's good for if you're thinking about adding permanent colour to your hair :) x

  4. I wondered if it would be visible on my dark hair :D Now I now it will... I will buy chalk and try it. I really love the way it looks. Why wouldnt you wear it out?

    P.S. I love Fashion and Beauty

    1. :) Give it a go, I'd love to see it... I just find it a bit too messy to wear out, the chalk gets everywhere :( x

  5. This is a fab idea! I've been thinking about adding some pastel shades to mine but didn't think it would be able to show on my dark hair! :) xx

    1. Aww it sucks having dark hair sometimes, doesn't it? This is a good temporary solution though :) x

  6. Gorgeous look!!

    I would love to go for the real thing, I'm not quite brave enough.

    I think this may be a better option :)

    Thanks for showing it works on dark hair too!!


    1. Me neither, I wish I could be more experimental! This is okay as a temporary solution though :) x

  7. I love this, lauren conrad posted about it!
    I bought the Kevin Murphy colour bug as I've ombred my hair so going to try it out tomorrow and post about it soon :)
    quite excited xo
    love your blog girl keep up the hard work!

    1. Yeah, she's the one who started it, isn't she? :) Ooh I've heard of that, would love to see your post :) Thanks lovely! x

    2. Yeah I think she did, good old Conrad!! Haha :) I do have a healthy obsession with her haha. xo

  8. I absolutely adore this trend. :)

    It's so gorgeous for Summer & looks great on you babe. :D

    Only thing that puts me off is the mess & how it dries your hair. Mine is naturally quite brittle & dry at the ends anyway but it looks so gorgeous I might have to try it. ;) xx

    1. Aww thanks lovely! Yeahh unfortunately the cons outweigh the pros for me with the mess and the dryness and such but I think you should give it a go! :) x

  9. Really like your blog dear!
    Keep posting!!

  10. It looks lovely. I wanted to dip dye my hair purple but I will use your method ;) x

    1. Thank you! Ooh, give this a go first and see if you like it :) x

  11. I have never heard of this before, it looks really good, actually quite tempted to try it next time I want to go for something a bit different! But I would probably go for curls as well! xx

    1. Give it a go :) It's a bit messy but it looks pretty haha! x

  12. This looks really cool, such a good idea :) xx

  13. looks great!x

  14. Omg I have not seen this before on any blogs (please reply with the blogs you saw it on, I'd love to see them!)

    This is such a great idea, I really love it, especially as yes I am not brave enough to use proper dye on it, haha.

    :) lizzie @ xo

    1. I actually can't remember whose blogs they were because it was at least a week ago :( but I will have a search about and then get back to you on Twitter! :) x

  15. That is so cool! Would never have thought of doing that!! You genius :)

    1. Haha I can't take credit for the idea but thank youu! :) x

  16. I really want to try this out!


  17. Thats freakin' awesome!! Plus you are soo beautiful, biiig eyes like me lol :)

    1. Aww thanks lovely! I am actually envious of how stunning you are! x

  18. Just found your blog and now a follower! I think these highlights look amazing and really suit you, I'd be a bit scared to try it if its as messy as you say though! Love your DIY post below of the loafers, I bought the Topshop ones but took them back because I couldn't warrant paying £28 for them so I took them back :( so I'll definitely be trying out the DIY instead!


    1. Aww thank you very much! :) It's definitely a bit of a messy process doing this, you end up with multicoloured hands haha! Thank you! You should definitely try out the DIY, let me know if you do! :) x

  19. I really want to try this, was so good to see a tutorial on dark hair. I'm worried about the transfer though, if only there was a way to stop it. I've tried Colourbug (they're little pots of chalk made especially for hair) and they also transfer :( !xx

    1. I know, it's a shame about the transfer... I guess us dark haired girls are just going to have to stay away from bright colours unless we are brave enough to bleach our hair :( haha x

  20. Your hair looks amazing! Love the colours you chose and the curls are so natural and lovely. You also look absolutely gorgeous with out make up on! x

  21. wow i've never seen this method before but it looks gorgeous. i probably would be a bit scared to wear it out in case it transferred but it really does look nice :) xx

    1. Yeah, I don't think I'd be brave enough to wear it out either :( Thank you! :) x

  22. This is so cool! When I was 12 we used to highlight our hair with highlighters :S

  23. this is nice!!! I've been a painter since I was a child and never ever thought of this hahaha great idea!!! you look lovely :) XO's

    1. Haha neither had I until I spotted other people doing it! Thanks lovely :) x

  24. Looks so good, such a great idea for a temporary pop of colour!

    joanne from

  25. Wow hun this looks brilliant, I've never tried this before but after seeing how lovely your hair looks with them in I want to give it a go myself :)

    1. Thanks lovely! I love how it looks but it's so messy and makes your hair feel so weird :( x

  26. this suits you so much! i want to try this so much...i've attempted to do it before but i don't think i did it right so i just ended up with really weird chalky hair haha xx

    1. Aww give it another go! :) It does leave your hair feeling chalky though :/ x

  27. Oh my god!! that looks amazing definitely going to try this out.

    1. Thank you, have a go, it might work for you :) x

  28. Your hair looks amazing! I don't think I'd suit all those colours myself but your hair really suits it.

    1. Aww thank you lovely, I can't imagine these colours not suiting somebody! x

  29. Really love this! The colours suit you so well :) I'm becoming more and more tempted to bleach the ends of my hair and add some teal, but as i've dyed my hair so many times before i'm a little reluctant to do so again! x
    p.s thank you for mentioning my blog in your interview on PinkSweetSz. Super appreciated! :)

    1. Thank you sweet! Ooh you're definitely braver than me, I bet that would look really pretty :) I'm always worried about the damage too though :( And not a problem, I love your blog! x

  30. This is such a cleaver idea, and these colours actually look fab in your hair! It's a shame about the transfer but what a great way to see if you want that colour in your hair permanently xxx

    1. Thank youu! Yeah, I'd definitely use this to see if I like a colour in my hair before doing it more permanently :) x

  31. Hiya! This is totally cool! Hope I get to try this :) Two thumbs up!

  32. This is so great! I just wished that it will also work for my short super curly hair :)

  33. After reading you blog I looked in to this a little further ... it seems you can set the chalk with straightens Tongs or I moment in a diffuser cup .... Hope that helps x

  34. I love the shades that you've used! Try using leave in conditioner to dampen your hair instead, it helps reduce the frizz and dryness. Also setting it with hairspray helps reduce the chalk fall out :) xx


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