Sunday, 11 March 2012

Week in Instagrams #4

It has been a pretty boring week this week so I didn't take many Instagram photos; it has been more stressful to be honest, which is again why I haven't blogged much this week :( Bare with me lovelies, I'm fighting through it!  Here are the pictures I did take though- hopefully next week will be a lot better! If you would like to follow me on Instagram, my username is @francescassandra :)

1. I used my Lush Leap Frog bath ballistic at the beginning of the week and found the secret message :)

2. I bought a ring on eBay and it came in this tiny envelope. Made me laugh that it still had to be posted as a Large. Royal Mail is ridic.

3 and 4. I have become slightly addicted to the Draw Something app on the iPhone. I was quite impressed with my Pikachu drawing :) The tiger is one that a guy I was playing with drew, it really made me laugh! If you'd like to play Draw Something with me, my username is 'francescassandr' (the 'a' wouldn't fit ): ).

5. I received my Experience Days gift card that I won on a giveaway by the lovely Leanne from A Slice of My Life. Thanks, Leanne, I can't wait to treat myself! :)

6. I have a "Keep Calm and Carry On" phone case on my iPhone, so I thought I would match it with this "Now Panic and Freak Out" wallpaper.

7. I started sorting out my make-up storage today and dug up all my nail polishes that were dotted around the house. I didn't realise I had so many!

What have you been up to this week?


  1. that tiny envelope is so cute :)

  2. Sorry you're not having such a good time hun! Hope you feel better soon, super cute pictures I LOVE the nails <3


    1. Thank you, lovely :) Just so many stressful things going on at the moment! x

  3. this is a cute idea =) pikachu!

  4. love draw something! love your blog, just started following xx

  5. Nice photos :) Congrats on winning a giveaway Xx


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