Thursday, 22 March 2012

Review: Lynx Attract for Her Body Spray.

I am sure a lot of you are already aware that Lynx has launched a limited edition women's body spray, which was made available to buy back in February. As Lynx is such a popular deodorant brand amongst men (and women ;) ) I was interested in trying it but totally forgot about it until I did a Tesco run a few days ago and spotted it whilst I was looking for a new deodorant.

The can is the same signature shape and design as the men's deodorants, which I like as it makes it a little different from the rest of the women's body sprays sat on the shelves in the shops, and as a person who always seems to lose the lids of her products in her bag, I am a fan of the twisty lid. Of course, the can has been girlified with a white and pink colour theme.

The scent is described as a:
"Fruity, floral and woody fragrance. A vibrant colourful mixture of succulent fruit creates an enticing fusion while floral notes leave a feminine accord."
"A vibrant colourful mixture of succulent fruit creates an enticing fusion while floral notes leave a feminine accord. Bottom notes of wood, musk and vanilla give the fragrance a sheer creaminess."

I definitely agree that this is a mixture of fruity and floral scents. I do quite like it but it isn't anything too special; it reminds me of something that I have smelled before but I can't quite put my finger on it- kind of like an artificial watermelon or cucumber spray scent, if you have smelt anything like those before you will know what I mean. 

It is definitely a pick-me-up scent, I apply this in the morning and it makes me feel more refreshed and awake. I have worn this spray for twelve hours from 9AM to 9PM and the fragrance is still lingering about slightly by the end of the day, which is always a good thing when it comes to body sprays.

So do I think that the women's spray is up to par with all the men's sprays? Unfortunately no. I would still much rather steal one of the boys' deodorants and spray that all over me (let's admit it, we've all done it), but I will enjoy having my own can of Lynx in my bag for the next few weeks :)

Lynx Attract for Her is usually around £2.95 from most supermarkets and drugstores, but it is currently only £1.99 in Superdrug.

Have you tried this body spray? Do we smell as good as the men?


  1. Interesting concept. I steal my brothers all the time, however sad to hear its not quite as good. Might just stick to stealing his.

    1. It's all down to personal taste really, I generally think that men's fragrances are much nicer than women's anyway haha! x

  2. It's a shame because they mens scents are so lovely - I even prefer my boyfriend wearing Lynx instead of perfume! x

  3. I totally get what you mean about smelling it before, I'm sure I've had a similar smelling spray in the past.. It does last and it's definitely a summer smell but will probably stick to other deodorants! x

    1. Yeahh, I'm pretty sure I had a deodorant a few years ago that smelled just like this, I just can't work out what it was! x

  4. i recently did a review on it and i love it really nice and fresh

    1. Ooh I'll check it out :) It is a really refreshing scent x

  5. ive reviewed it too. i love it think its great gym essential.

    1. Yeah, it's a good scent for freshening up :) x

  6. It kinda reminds me of DKNY Be Delicious (the green one)
    Good post! x

    1. A couple of the girls from uni said that today too, so I'll take your word for it! Haha, I've never smelt DKNY before though so it isn't what I think it smells like :( x

  7. I have it too! I really like it but it's definitely a scent I've had before, but I've yet to figure out what it is! I prefer the boys Lynx 'Africa' mmm xx

    1. It is actually wearing away at my brain trying to think of what it reminds me of haha! x

  8. Great review! I hate the Lynx mens sprays, every time one gets sprayed near my I feeling like I'm having an asthma attack! Don't know whether or not to try the women's spray :)

    1. Oh really? I think you're the first I've heard who doesn't like them haha! Well the women's one is very different :) x

  9. great review, i just found your blog and i love! keep up the good work!! i know how you feel about loving your comments i love it when someone takes the time to read and comment on something i've written!!

    1. Aww thank you lovely :) Yeah, my comments mean a lot to me! x

  10. Fab review lovely, I'll deffinately have to pick one up next time I'm in superdrug

  11. this sounds really interesting! unfortunately, i don't think we have that here. hmmm, i should check it out. ;) and for some reason, men's body sprays do tend to stay on basically the whole day. i wonder why that is... ;)

    <3, Mimi
    Fashion To Figure Giveaway

    1. Aww really, where do you live? Haha, it's true! :P x

  12. I don't mind it too much

    NRC ♥

    1. The fragrance is definitely growing on me :) x

  13. I borrowed my friends can of this at the gym the other day, i really liked the smell - although i much prefer the smell of Lynx Chocolate :)x

    1. I can't remember whether I have smelt Lynx Chocolate... sounds nice though! Haha x

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