Wednesday 14 March 2012

I hope you understand...

Hi girls,

For the past couple of weeks you may have noticed that the intervals between my blog posts have been all over the place. One moment I would be blogging twice a day, the next it would be up to three days until my next post.

I just wanted to explain to you all that I am trying my best to get back to normal, to posting at least once a day/ every other day. Things have been pretty stressful lately, a lot of things have been bringing me down to the point where I find it difficult to do anything, and I don't want to publish blog posts for you that haven't had my heart put in to them.

I don't want to have to go on another Hiatus like I did at the beginning of the year, so I will continue to post as and when I can, I just don't want you all thinking I have completely lost my knack for blogging. I will definitely post at least twice a week.

I have also been a little bit slow at replying to your comments, but I promise I do read them as soon as I get them and I really appreciate them, and I aim to reply to them within 48 hours, so keep checking back, I'm not ignoring you! Also, remember if you have any more urgent questions that you would like answering, you can always contact me via email or Twitter for a quicker reply :)

Hopefully soon I will be back to my usual blogging self, I do hate when things like this happen but I guess that's life, hey? I hope you all understand and that you'll stick by me and wait for my return!


  1. hugs hun happens to all of us xxx

  2. Know what you mean honey I was off a lot last year and ended up with pneumonia, but my clients stuck by me and I am forever grateful for that. Your health is the most important thing. Take big care xxx

  3. i hope everything is alright! looking forward to seeing your upcoming posts, no matter when they are posted :)

  4. I'm sure inspiration will strike and you'll be back in the swing of it in no time lovely! We all get stuck in a rut (I'm currently cursed with the twice a week blogging bug) take all the time you need, we'll be here when you return! :) xxx

  5. Don't worry too much hun, we all understand and I've been going though a bit of the same recently. Its important not to stress over your blog and put your pressure on yourself to get posts up. Your content it always great and we will love reading your posts when ever you put them up. I hope you feel better x

  6. Hope things get better for you! I don't think you should feel pressurised to blog a certain amount like sticking to a every other day routine as we all know life can get in the way sometimes and blogging should be fun not an added stress! Hope you're ok! xxx

  7. I hope things get better for you! I agree blogging should be done with your whole heart, even I have been blogging less and less these days and sometimes blogging can add to the stress!

  8. Don't worry about how many times a day/week you post out sweetie, all of your loyal followers and readers understand and support you no matter what.

    I know how it can feel with blogging at times, but if you do feel you need a break then so be it, it is your own blog and you can do as you like, when you like and what you like.

    If you ever want to chat about anything then pop me a message or comment on my blog or Twitter and I'll be there for you :)

    Sending lots of love

  9. I hope your ok :) Please dont feel bad about not blogging everyday. Life gets in the way of what you like to do sometimes which everyone understands :) xoxo

  10. Hope you feel better soon chicky <3 don't push yourself <3 we'll all be here waiting!


  11. I'm not going to reply to each comment individually on this post because I will just end up saying the same thing over and over... But I want to say a huge thank you to all of you for being so supportive and understanding, all of your comments have been making me smile :) You're all the reason why I carry on blogging! :)

    Frances xxx

  12. I'm all over the place at remembering to blog and comment at the moment too :) Xx

  13. I hope that everything is okay. I too have been rubbish at blogging lately but am planning to get back into it properly. Sometimes real life just gets in the way x


Please leave a comment, I read every single one and they absolutely make my day! I try to answer all questions but please allow me up to 48 hours to do so! If you have a question you want answering straight away, feel free to email me or contact me via Twitter :) x