Thursday, 8 March 2012

Wednesday Wishlist (A day late) #4

I started putting this post together yesterday but I didn't have time to finish it so here it is, a day late, forgive me! Also, I am really sorry I have been quiet again the past few days, I have had a bit of a crappy past few days so I haven't felt up for doing much, plus I was spending quite a lot of time trying to redesign my blog so I am happy with the way it looks, which still hasn't been successful :( I am still yet to make a header banner that I like and buttons for my pages, but I have very nearly sorted out my side bar and I also like my new ad buttons a lot more than my previous one :) Let me know what you think!

Anyway, I haven't done one of these Wednesday Wishlist posts in a couple of months now so I think it is about time I got back in to it!

I really like this dress, I think the button and collar details set it apart from other skater-style dresses and coral is a perfect colour for Spring/ Summer.

I've been loving wearing thin jumpers with skirts and dresses lately in the transition between Winter and Spring, and I really like the mesh insert that goes on the shoulders and upper back of this one.

I have always loved looking at the t-shirts on the Orange Circle Clothing website but I have never got round to making a purchase, which I think needs to change soon! They have so many lovely designs to choose from and these are just a couple of my favourites.

I have been looking for a new every day bag to carry all my crap around town and university, and I have seen quite a few girls with gorgeous handbags from River Island so I decided to have a browse on the website and I found this one. It looks perfect for the upcoming months and looks like it will go with anything :)

I never used to like the clothes in Select, but they have recently picked themselves up and now I love this store... the one in Liverpool is amazing! I don't know why I am so drawn to these shoes, as I usually opt for flats or chunkier heels in the day time and higher heels for nights out, but I can just see these making an outfit, and for only £10.00 they're a steal!

Shockingly, I am still yet to try Topshop make-up, and I have no reason as to why I haven't picked anything up yet. Probably because I tend to avoid Topshop anyway because their clothes and jewellery are ridiculously priced. I have seen Innocent on quite a few bloggers though and I love the way it looks, so I really want to go and buy it after hearing so many good things about the Topshop lipsticks.

I hope you enjoyed this post! What have you had your eye on this week?


  1. Love that dress hunni it's gorgeous bet it would look lovely on you. The shoes are fabulous also xx

  2. i too am yet to dive into topshop makeup, that lipstick is quite tempting though!

    Also thank you for the comment regarding a button swap, i'd love to do so and your new buttons look great. If you still wanted to go ahead, let me know :) xx

    1. It's a really pretty colour, isn't it? I hope it's as nice when I swatch it.
      Ooh yes, I'll comment on your blog about it in a little bit! Thank you :) x

    2. I have just added your button to my sidebar, thank you for doing the swap, your blog is one of my faves! :) x

  3. I adore the skull shirt

  4. Love the layout! The jumper is amazing! Perfect for those chilly spring days that need to go away!


    1. Thanks lovely! Yeahh, I think it's perfect for keeping warm but the mesh inserts make it breathable :) x

  5. I love the Orange circle shirts! I've been browsing their site for a while now, i'll definitely be buying some stuff soon! Also, i love the new layout! It's lovely!x

    1. They're amazing, just waiting to get a bit of money and then I'll be making an order :) Thank you! x

  6. Love everything on this post - Its all so gorgeous!


  7. i really like orange circle tshirt and thinkin about buying some designs myself and cuting off the collar n sleeves to give them more edge :)

    btw i tagged you in my post , hope you will join this fun idea :

    1. Yeahh :) I'll probably roll the sleeves up on mine, I love how that looks. Thanks lovely, I'll check it out soon! x

  8. Replies
    1. It looks really pretty :) I was going to pick it up today but haven't had chance to go in to town :( x

  9. Topshop lipstick? EH! I've been so out of the loop!

  10. Love the colour of those Select coral heels :) Xx


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