Sunday, 4 March 2012

Week in Instagrams #3

1. My mum made us some popcorn, I hadn't had popcorn in so long! Salty FTW.

2. Had some time to spare before I had to meet my coursework group at uni, so me and a friend grabbed a breakfast panini and coffee at Starbucks.

3 + 4. Spent around four hours at uni on Monday putting together our TV studio set ready for our assessment on Wednesday. It was supposed to look like a manor house.

5. Had a sushi platter for my lunch :)

6. Got all set up on Pinterest. Click here if you'd like to have a gander at my boards.

7. If you're a student like me, you'll understand that 7:00AM is far too early to be getting up.

8. In the studio at 8:30AM on Wednesday to do our final recording. It was a really stressful morning but the filming went really well in the end :)

9. Waking up at 7:00AM means a 3:00PM nap.

10. I was craving profiteroles so I went down to Tesco to buy some. There was far too many for me to eat by myself though!

11. This is me in the back of my dad's car pulling a silly face to somehow cancel out the awkwardness of trying to take a picture of myself with other cars driving right next to us. My ring is cute though, right? I had just bought it in the Miss Selfridge sale.

12. My mum recently got a Blackberry so my dad and I bought her this sparkly bright pink phone case for her as a bit of a joke.

13. I have always favoured Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough ice cream but somebody told me that Half Baked was better so I put it to the test. It's definitely up there!

14. My cat being grumpy. I took this right after she hissed at me for moving around on my bed too much.

15. I bought these loafers from Select and I intend on studding them Vectra style. I need your advice though, do I use silver, brass/gold or metallic black studs? Or silver with an occasional brass/gold? Also, would you like to see a DIY post when I get round to doing them?

16. Popped in to Lush today to treat myself to a bath ballistic and I spotted this. I haven't tried the Leap Frog bath ballistic yet and I thought I was too late to get one this year, but this was the last one! He is a little bit deformed but still cute :)

I hope you enjoyed this post, what have you been up to this week? If you would like to check out my Instagram, click here, or follow me on your iPhone (francescassandra) :)


  1. I like the loafers. How much were they? Xx

    1. They were originally £12 but I also got a 15% student discount so I paid £10.20 :) x

  2. The sushi looks so good! that's my fave food! x

    1. I love sushi, I don't have it often but I do treat myself to it every now and again :) x

  3. lovely post! I do like half baked but it cant compare to cookie dough! vanilla ice cream is better ;)
    would you like to do a button swap? you can say no i dont mind haha :) xxx

    1. Thank you, yeahh, I think that's what I like about Cookie Dough, I'm more of a Vanilla ice cream girl myself :) Yes of course, I'll contact you in a second :) x

    2. have to say my fave is caramel chew chew - caramel/vanilla ice cream - YUM.
      awesome :) , If you want to email me its :) xx

    3. Ooh, I'm not that big a fan of caramel though :( I promise I'll get back to you regarding the button swap soon, just been a little busy trying to tweak my blog! If you could drop me an email that would be great, just so it's right in front of me :) x

  4. Great post I love the photos :) I hope you will follow my blog


  5. starbucks, Lush, pinterest... we love the same things. ;)

    xo alicia

  6. You're making me want to get some starbucks and Ben & Jerry's :)

  7. Glad your filming went well chick :) that Ben + Jerry's looks YUM! As do the profiteroles and aww! My cat gets really moody for no reason too (takes after me ha-ha)


    1. Thanks lovely :) It was so good, ate the whole tub by myself though :/ haha awwh :P x

  8. Happy Monday!

    I've nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award:

    Have a fab week!

    Kayleigh. x

    1. Aww thank you lovely! It really means a lot :) x

  9. Hello honey,

    I love your blog. I notice you're from Warrington - I live right near you! I'm from Northwich in Cheshire. I love this little fact because most beauty bloggers I come across seem to be from America or some other faraway land... Keep up the good work (:


    1. Ooh really? Aw it's nice to know a blogger who lives nearby, most of the bloggers I know are from way up north or down south haha! :) x

  10. Love your blog! Fab pictures! xoxox

  11. Lovely photos! Love the sparkly pink blackberry case, great gift! You made me want to eat Ben & Jerry's now! Xx

    1. Haha, we didn't think she would like it but she actually did! Haha, ooh get some! :) x

  12. your phone case is so cute!

    please check out my fashion blog- xx

  13. It looks like you've had a lovely and busy week hun!
    I really do love these posts :) such a fab idea!
    How cute is the little leap frog from LUSH :)

    1. Yeahh, it was busier than most weeks for me haha! Thanks, lovely :) It's adorable isn't it, I really wanted one mainly for that reason haha! :) x

  14. Thank you :) I will check out your blog! :) x

  15. Love the pictures! Especially the cat photo! My fave Ben & Jerry's is deffinitely Cookie Dough and I'm sorry nothing else can compare :P

    Would love a DIY post on how you change the loafers, I'm very interested in what you want to do as I was going to buy a pair like this but thought they were too plain! :)

    1. Thanks lovely! :) Haha, I'm torn between Cookie Dough and Half Baked, I think it depends what mood I'm in but I do usually prefer vanilla ice cream. I have ordered some studs online and I have an idea of how I want to stud them so I will definitely do a DIY post :) x

  16. That Sushi looks lovely.
    I've not tried Half Baked, my favourite is the phish food one - yum! xx


Please leave a comment, I read every single one and they absolutely make my day! I try to answer all questions but please allow me up to 48 hours to do so! If you have a question you want answering straight away, feel free to email me or contact me via Twitter :) x