Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Wednesday Wishlist #11

I am getting this same blazer from Glamorous in navy and white stripes but I really love this pink one too and I think it is lovely for this time of year. Most pink blazers that I have seen are too dark for my liking but this pale pastel shade is perfect.

I have fallen in love with Glamorous clothing this week, how cute is this dress? I love the 50's inspired cut and shape of it, and the colour is so pretty.

I love this bracelet from River Island that says "Dance as though no one is watching you". They also have a silver one that says "Love like you have never been hurt", and I think they would look lovely worn together :)

4. ZARA Messenger Bag £19.99
I think I am wanting to jump on the bandwagon and purchase this messenger bag that everybody seems to be raving about at the moment. I really like the colour of it and the rose gold hardwear, but I'm a little worried about how thin the handle is in case it snaps.

After seeing Fleur (Fleur De Force) and Ingrid (Miss Glamorazzi) raving about these for the past few months or so, I am dying to get my hands on a pair. I definitely can't justify spending £72 (and 14 pence if we're going to be specific) on what are essentially a pair of very thick leggings though :(

I hope you like my picks this week!


  1. those pants are very cute

  2. Fab picks! I love the dress xx

  3. Love that bracelet, especially if you had both of them, how gorgeous!

    1. I know, I think they'd look really cute together :) x

  4. Those pixie pants I've been wanting them for a long time too, but I can't buy them. I absolutely love that zara bag and dress is beautiful <3

    life is pink♥mfashionfreak

    1. They look so comfy but they're so pricey :( Thank you! x

  5. I would love to have the j crew pixi pants, I could never justify buying them though unless I won the lottery then I would buy you a pair to hehe. I love the dress as well so pretty x x

    1. Ohh haha I'll hold you to that ;) just kidding! x

  6. love everything on this wishlist! great choices :) x

  7. Ooh, I'm loving the dress :) x

  8. Love the bracelet - that's now on my birthday wishlist :) XX

  9. I'm just looking for some perfect dress for my friends wedding, I wrote posts about it on my blog but I didnt know about Glamorous, loveee this one, its so cute :)

    1. Glamorous is definitely a good website for dresses, there are so many that I love! I hope you find the dress you're looking for :) x

  10. I love the bracelet so much, and I also want some pixie pants. I think I'm going to LA in September if I do I will pick a couple of pairs up :) xxx

    1. Ooh I'm jealous, I'm dying to go back to America. The Pixie Pants are like about 50% cheaper there too, aren't they? x

  11. I love the dress, so girly and floaty and such lovely colours xxx

    1. I know, it's so pretty isn't it? There are so many things from Glamorous that I want! x


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