Thursday, 15 August 2013

My Life Lately Part 2: Be More Dog, The Color Run and Life After Uni.

Time for another "My Life Lately" post! I've really enjoyed writing these, and I hope that you have enjoyed reading them. I tend to spend so much time thinking about the rubbish things in life that I forget how many exciting events have been taking up my time recently (you can read about my birthday and graduation here). One of those being O2's Be More Dog campaign, which I was honoured to be a part of. I'm sure you've seen the advert by now; the one with the cat chasing its tail and catching frisbees? If not, you can watch it here- It's my favourite advert ever. I was sent two mystery boxes; one that would allow me to take it easy like a cat, and one that would let me be more adventurous and channel my inner dog. I was only allowed to open one, and after much deliberation I decided that it was time to stray away from my cat lady ways (only for the weekend though!) and I opened the "dog" box. Inside was a little dog plushie with a tag around its neck stating that in two days time I would be going up in a Microlight plane! I was a little hesitant at first as it isn't something I would have picked to do myself, plus I'm not the biggest fan of flying, but I thought what the heck- It's an experience and that's what the campaign was all about, right?!

Anyway, I actually ended up really enjoying it. The flight took place at the West Lancashire Microlight School and I was taken for an hour-long flight towards Wales in their fixed-wing aircraft. My pilot, Carl, must have thought I was a complete weirdo taking photographs and Instagramming whilst sat beside him about 4,000ft up in the air, but hey- I'm a blogger, it's what we do.

The whole campaign was brilliant and started such a hype on Twitter- I have to thank O2 and the lovely Charlie from Newcast for letting me be a part of it. They were also kind enough to let me peek in to my Cat box afterwards too, which led to a night of watching Mean Girls and playing Connect Four whilst wrapped up in a snuggie!

Another thing that I was excited to take part in recently was The Color Run. Ever since I first heard about the Color Run in the USA I had been anticipating its arrival in the UK. I don't know what I found so appealing about the idea of getting coloured powder thrown at me but I did. Needless to say I must have been amongst the first to sign up after it was announced. It really was so much fun and I would recommend anybody to sign up for it next year- Even if you're not much of a runner, it isn't a timed race; there were plenty of people just strolling along with children and prams... What is important is that you have lots of colour-filled fun. I decided to challenge myself and ran the whole 5 kilometres. I have never considered myself a good long distance runner so I was proud to cross the finish line, covered in pink, blue and orange in 22 minutes and 38 seconds.

So, that is pretty much all the excitement that has been going on in my life recently. Of course, with this comes the boring "responsible" stuff too. Being a graduate now, it's time to start thinking about what I want to do with the rest of my life. I'm currently seeking a job or an internship of some sort in fashion marketing, media planning or PR, but until the perfect opportunity arises I am concentrating on this beloved little blog of mine whilst enjoying life in between writing posts and attending events! I am actually in the process of building my own website (well- having other people do it for me as I am rubbish with that sort of thing- I just pose for the camera and do all the editing and writing), as, after a year and a half of blogging I think it's about time I move up on to having my own domain. Hopefully it will all be up and running in the next month or so... I'm super excited about it and will keep everybody posted! :)

Did you take part in Be More Dog or The Color Run?
*DISCLOSURE: This post contains sponsored content.


  1. I really wanted to sign up for the Color Run but they don't have one in Scotland :( It looks so fun. I'm hoping that next year it will come to Edinburgh/Glasgow.

    Water Painted Dreams

    1. Aww no :( I bet it will definitely come to one of those cities next year- There will be loads of people wanting to sign up! :) x

  2. I would love to do the colour run, it looks soo fun! I missed it this year but fingers crossed next year i can participate!!

    1. Aww definitely sign up next year- I am doing it again for sure! :) x

  3. It's so scary being a graduate! That o2 campaign is so cool too, it's one of the best adverts! xx


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