Monday, 5 August 2013

Blogger Shenanigans: Get The Label Reunion Part 2: Liverpool.

As I mentioned in my blog post about our Manchester outing the other day (read it here if you missed it), one evening of great food and blogger chit-chat just wasn't enough for us, so the next day, Laura (Heroine In Heels), Lola (The Pastime Bliss) and I hopped on a train to Liverpool. I was especially excited as Liverpool is my favourite place ever- Maybe I'm just biased as I went to University there, but I think Liverpool is far underrated to Manchester; it's such a beautiful city with lots of history and hidden treasures. Laura and Lola had never been so I was excited to show them around.

The main purpose of our trip was to head to Debenhams to check out an event that Urban Decay were holding. Admittedly (I have to be honest), we got there and it was a little confusing- We had no idea what products were being promoted and we were told that we weren't allowed to take photographs  (which we were especially confused about since we were told it was a blogger event... it's what we do!) but I managed to sneak a few before I was told to put my camera away. On the plus side we got given little mini makeovers which was nice; I have always loved Urban Decay eyeshadows and I loved the lipstick they used on me (second from the right on the top picture- I couldn't tell you the name, sorry!).

After we were all made-up, we decided to go for a light lunch. I had always heard good things about Leaf on Bold Street but had never had the chance to go, so we decided to check it out. It came as no surprise that it was busy but we managed to find a table to sit at, grabbed a clipboard menu and took in our surroundings. Leaf is very much one of those cafes that you would perhaps relate to artsy individuals who love music and reading a newspaper with a cup of tea and cake. The interior is very rustic-looking with wooden bench tables, flowers in glass jars, vintage lampshades and bunting. I loved it- For some reason I have recently gained a fascination with all things quaint, traditional and overly-British. From the menu I opted for the chicken salad sandwich with tomato and red pepper soup, which definitely hit the spot. I resisted the urge to get a slice of their seriously yummy looking cake afterwards, although I did treat myself to some Thorntons ice cream later on- The sun has that effect on me.

We headed to the Met Quarter afterwards for a mooch around- The Met Quarter currently has a fabulous competition on, where if you tweet them a picture of your favourite item with the hashtag #snapwinwonderful, you are in with the chance of being a weekly winner of the item you chose! I snapped a picture of the Illamasqua Freak perfume that I have been lusting over forever!

Finally, we decided to take advantage of the sunny weather and beautiful scenery and wandered down to the docks to take some outfit photos. We got lots of weird stares from people but we are now considering ourselves "legit" fashion bloggers for being brave and posing for our pictures in a public place ;)

Vest: Primark | Skirt: River Island | Sandals : Matalan | Sunglasses: C/O Firmoo* | Belt : ASOS | Bracelet: C/O Miss Gee Kay* | Watch: Michael Kors

Overall, it was a really lovely couple of days catching up and getting to know the other girls a bit more- Make sure you check out their fabulous blogs :) Here's to many more blogging adventures! <3

*DISCLOSURE: Starred items are PR samples.


  1. In the second picture, Laura and I look so confused haha. Was such a lovely day.

    Lola xx

    1. Haha, like "what's going on?!" :P It was, we need to have more :) xx

  2. I was in Liverpool last weekend, I adore the place, so so many places to discover! Looks like you had an fabulous time (even thought the UD blogger event sounded a bit bizarre!)


    Em’s Mixed Bag

    1. Ahh were you? I love it so much- I wish I still lived there! We had a lovely day- But yes, was definitely an odd event haha x

  3. The shots by the docks are great! :)

    1. Thanks sweet, I'm really happy with how they turned out! :) xx

  4. Great post! That skirt is lovely! :)

  5. Your outfit is perfect! :D x

  6. haha love the fact that you put "legit" fashion bloggers - Liverpool is rather nice aswell, glad you had a lovely time x


    Anita @ ATA|AllThingsAnita

    1. Haha! We're the real deal- Felt like one of those European bloggers who always take amazing photos! :P Thanks sweet :) xx

  7. Looks like an awesome day! love your outfit!

    -Maddy @


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