Monday, 20 February 2012

Review and Swatches: MUA Love Hearts Collection Nail Polishes.

So I am sure that most of you by now have heard of the Love Hearts collection that MUA have recently brought out. If not, it is a range of nail polishes and tinted lip balms that come in a selection of pastel and bright colours, perfect for summer. I am a bit late on the bandwagon to purchase some of the products as they don't stock the collection in the Superdrugs in my home town, so I had to wait until I went to Liverpool today, where I picked up the entire range of nail polishes. There are six different shades to choose from, so I thought I would make this post to give those of you who are still pondering over what to buy an idea of what the colours are actually like on the nails. I stood outside to take the pictures to try and get an accurate picture of the colours as I am sick of the lighting in my house not doing my nail polishes justice in my NOTD posts haha! I have also stated underneath each picture how many coats it took me to achieve opacity.

 Left to Right: U R FAB, LOVE U 24/7, U ROK, I <3 U, U & I, I WANT U

 "U R FAB"
One coat for opacity.

 "LOVE U 24/7"
Two coats for opacity.

 "U ROK"
Two coats for opacity.

 "I <3 U"
Four coats for opacity.

 "U & I"
One coat for opacity.

Three coats for opacity.

Although I can't really comment on the longevity of these polishes yet, I have read in many reviews that they are just like an average polish, lasting around three days before they start to chip. I found that some of these were easier to apply than others, the purple/blue colours and the yellow applied quite smoothly, however I found that the nude and the orange streaked quite a lot, which is why it took a lot of coats to build them up. These polishes are quite fast drying, which, if you are impatient like I am, is always a good thing. My favourite colours have got to be LOVE U 24/7 and I <3 U. I have been looking for a lilac and a nude that suit my skin tone for ages and these are both perfect, I just wish the nude colour didn't take so many coats :(

At £2 each, I don't think you can complain about these polishes, and I would definitely recommend you try them, along with most of the MUA range. These can be bought at selected Superdrug stores and also on the MUA website.

I hope you found this post helpful!
Have you tried anything from the MUA Love Hearts collection?


  1. I love U R FAB - for one coat it looks amazing! xx

    1. It is really pigmented, doesn't take much to achieve opacity at all! :) x

  2. i want these, cant decide which ones though lol xxx

  3. The nude and the yellow ones look so pretty! I'll be buying them for summer for sure :)xx

  4. My superdrug doesn't stock them either which is so annoying as i love the purple colours!

    1. It sucks :( You should hunt down the nearest store that stocks them or buy them online! x

  5. Wow i love u rock!

    Holli x

    1. It's pretty isn't it? I love that shade of blue :) x

  6. Oooo they are so pretty I want to try them all!!



  7. The colours look so lovely! Really want to own them all! Xxx

  8. I really need to pick these up, but like yourself they don't stock them in my local superdrug.
    I'm going to have to hunt them down.
    Really helpful pictures xo

    1. Superdrug need to start stocking MUA in more places haha! There must be a store that isn't too far away from you :) x

  9. Great post hun, I am wanting to get my hands on these but my local superdrug doesn't stock them either :( boo. lol I love U ROK its so pretty x
    Mac Giveaway Now On!

    1. Aww, it's a pain, isn't it? :( U ROK is a gorgeous colour :)

      Frances x
      Twitter: @Francesss__

  10. What gorgeous colours! Definitely tempted by these! Love the orange especially, not sure why just really appeals!


    1. The orange is so bright haha, definitely one for a statement nail :) x

  11. I really want to get my hands on this collection, I must go shopping!
    I think my favourite is U & I - great for Spring

    1. You must! U & I is really pretty, I've been wanting a yellow like that one for a while :) x

  12. Just bought mine, so excited, definitely can't go wrong for £2! Am now following you.

    YY x

  13. hmmm i can see what you mean about the yellow one, and i totally agree about the nude one, i've been trying to find one to match my fair skin tone for a while now as well

    1. Have you tried this nude? It's really pretty, almost like a baby- pink :) x


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