Sunday, 21 April 2013

Outfit: McArthurGlen Fashion Fling Style Challenge Outfit #6.

Crop Top: C/O She Likes* | Skirt: C/O Jovonna London* | Shoes: Matalan | Sandals: C/O Blowfish via Mrs. Marcos* | Denim Waistcoat: F&F @ Tesco | Bracelets: C/O The Rose Chain* | Watch: Michael Kors | Sunglasses: Ray-Ban via Sunglass Time @ Cheshire Oaks

Here it is, my last post for the McArthurGlen Fashion Fling Style Challenge! And what a challenge it has been- it has been hectic putting together these outfits in between typing up my dissertation and other things, but I have had so much fun taking part! 

Since I don't think anybody would need to wear sunglasses on a night out, I decided to style my "evening" outfit for a garden party on a sunny day, or even a nice meal when you're on holiday. I took up the opportunity to pull out my beloved Jovonna London skirt which I don't get enough wear out of. I absolutely love it and I think that it would be perfect for the occasion, plus I think the colours go fantastically with my Ray-Bans. The skirt and sunglasses speak for themselves, so I just teamed them with a simple white crop top and a denim gilet which is easy enough to put on or remove if the temperature changes. I also put my new nude block heel shoes that I picked up in the Matalan £5 Shoe Event to the test, and they are perfect! Or, if heels aren't your thing, some strappy sandals look just as lovely, as you can see in my last picture :)

I'm kind of sad that this is over now, as I've had a blast. But of course, there will still be plenty of outfit posts from me in the future! :) Don't forget to check out my other posts from the challenge here.
The McArthurGlen Fashion Fling fortnight also comes to an end tonight- Unfortunately I didn't get the opportunity to go down to Cheshire Oaks and check it out :( Did you manage to visit a McArthurGlen Designer Outlet over the Fashion Fling fortnight? Let me know!

*DISCLOSURE: Starred items are PR samples.


  1. Love the skirt, It has amazing colours and paterns :)

    Jo xx

  2. That skirt is absolutely stunning! Really love the whole outfit!

  3. love how you styled this outfit!!
    xx Ayesha

  4. LOVE the print of that skirt, so summery and colourful!

    1. Thanks lovely- It's so pretty isn't it? I love it x

  5. Gorgeous outfit, loving the skirt xx

  6. I'm so gutted that the challenge is over now too! It's been so much fun hasn't it? Well done juggling it with your dissertation by the way :) Yeah we both seem to share a love of stylish boots and beautiful prints. Love that peacock feather print.
    Now following you on bloglovin. Still can't believe GFC will be gone soon :(

    1. Yeah I've loved taking part even though it's been a little hectic! Aww thanks lovely! :) I know, nightmare! x

  7. WOW! this is such a beautiful outfit I love your belt and peacock skirt super pretty really want this very nice xx

    Designer Dress Hire Giveaway

  8. the vibrant prints on your maxi skirt is absolutely stunning!! love this so much <3

    P.S. it'll be great if you'd check out my Fashion Week outfit post!

    1. It's a beautiful print isn't it? Thank you lovely :) x

  9. Oh that skirt is so gorgeous! I love it teamed with the sunnies <3

  10. Omg that skirt looks absolutely amazing!! Great outfit dear!! I love xx

  11. I love the pattern mixing going on with your sunnies and your maxi skirt <3 I love how the shoes totally change the feel of the look from more formal and classy to more boho casual :P

    1. Got to love clashing prints! Thanks lovely, I'm glad you like it :) x

  12. What a cool outfit. LOVE your hair colour too! Beaut.

    G x


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