Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Outfit: McArthurGlen Fashion Fling Style Challenge Outfit #2

Dress: C/O Ravi Famous* | Nude Slip (under dress): Primark | Jacket: Miss Selfridge | Boots: Funky Dory | Hat: H&M | Socks: Topshop | Necklace: C/O Folli Follie via Cheshire Oaks*

Here is outfit number two for the McArthurGlen Fashion Fling Style Challenge! 
This outfit is a little bit more dressed up than the previous one, and it's something that I'd wear to a semi-formal dinner date or an afternoon tea for a special occasion. I love this dress- the lace bodice is so pretty and it can be dressed up or down. It is quite see through, however, so a slip is definitely needed to be worn underneath! I think the Folli Follie necklace goes amazingly with this dress as the rose gold matches nicely with the embellishments on the collar and the zebra stripes match the cream lace. The simplicity of it makes the solid cream dress look a little more interesting without taking away from the other details around the collar and the shoulders. I love black/cream and leather/lace combinations so I added my leather jacket and studded pixie boots to tone the outfit down a bit and add a little bit of grunge :)

I hope you like this outfit! If you would like to check out what is going on at Cheshire Oaks over the next week for Fashion Fling, check out the Fashion Fling page on their website. If you're not near Cheshire Oaks, find your nearest outlet at the McArthurGlen site :)

Let me know if you have been getting involved in Fashion Fling! :)
*DISCLOSURE: Starred items are PR samples.


  1. Just found your blog through wiwt, love the outfit, it just looks so damn cool!

    Newest follower :)



  2. Love your hair and lace dress such a pretty little outfit! xx


  3. this is such a lovely dress, i love the collar! xxx


  4. What a gorgeous outfit, I absolutely love the shoulders on the dress! xx


    1. Thank you beaut, I'm in love with this dress :) x

  5. LOVE your dress! it looks lovely on you!
    xx Ayesha


    1. It's so pretty isn't it? Thank you lovely :) x

  6. Look at you sexy.. How fabulous you look in this awesome dress.. Great choice in latest fashion clothes.. Loved it..! xOxO

  7. What a lovely look *-*
    I usually don't like lace dresses, but the way you use it, it's perfect!

    1. Aww thanks lovely, I'm glad you like it! :) xx

  8. I love Cheshire Oaks!

    Your boots are gorgeous... I love the studs!

    http://hannahrebekahcampbell.blogspot.com xx

    1. I haven't been in a while- Must go and have a mooch around! Thanks sweet :) xx

  9. Awesome outfit and jacket matched with awesome designer footwear.. Great going girl!! XOXO


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