Friday, 19 April 2013

Outfit: McArthurGlen Fashion Fling Style Challenge Outfit #4

Jumper: C/O Mina UK* | Vest top (Under jumper): Primark | Shorts: Daisy Street | Socks: Primark | Boots: Funky Dory | Headband: C/O Crown & Glory* | Sunglasses: C/O Ray Ban via Cheshire Oaks*

Welcome to part two of my McArthurGlen Style Challenge series, where, for the next three posts I will be showing you how to style these lovely floral print Ray Ban Wayfarer Sunglasses. In case you haven't seen my past three posts (check them out here), to celebrate the Fashion Fling fortnight at outlets up and down the country, McArthurGlen has challenged a few bloggers to put together six outfits, styling two key Spring/Summer accessories for three different occasions.

With Coachella under way in the States, this outfit was inspired by festival fashion. It's still a little bit cold and dreary over here to be parading around with bare legs, but as soon as festival season hits the UK, I would rock this look without the tights. This very loosely knitted Mina jumper is airy yet still provides a little bit of warmth which is perfect for Spring. And if you're like me and love a dark, grungy outfit, you can always use accessories to brighten up your outfit. My floral Wayfarers, bright pink lipstick and lilac rose crown add a fun pop of colour and give this outfit a whole new look.

The McArthurGlen Fashion Fling in collaboration with Grazia is happening on until Sunday, April 21st, and there are events happening and offers up for grabs in McArthurGlen outlets across the country. If you are close to Cheshire Oaks check out their Fashion Fling page for more details. If not, find your closest McArthurGlen outlet here :)

*DISCLAIMER: Starred items are PR samples.


  1. Love the shorts and jumper amazing outfit! :) x

  2. It's a really different approach to spring, but I quite like it :3

    1. Haha, I like to play around with different styles :) I'm glad you like it! :) x

  3. you look great, love those sunglasses and of course the flower headband, perfect for any festival x

    1. Thank youu! I adore festival fashion, really wish I was going to a festival this year :( x

  4. You look amazing! I NEED a crown and glory flower crown in my life! X

    1. Aw thanks beaut! I know, I need them more of them in different colours! x

  5. Love your flower crown!the color is gorgeous!
    xx Ayesha

    1. Thanks lovely :) I love the colour of it too! x

  6. That crown and glory head piece is absolutely gorgeous, deeefinitely picking one up for the festival season!
    Emily x

    1. They're lovely aren't they? I need to get a few more! x

  7. LOVE the floral crown - beautiful outfit

  8. I am loving this outfit! I think it's my favourite of the fashion fling posts, I'm a huge fan of black and your accessories really stand out! This is my ideal shopping outfit!

    Eve x


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