Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Outfit: Cherry Blossom

Dress (worn as top): C/O Missikon* | Shorts: C/O Nelly* |Socks: Primark | Boots: C/O Tribeca Shoes* | Rings: Miss Selfridge and Dorothy Perkins | Necklace: Topman | Bracelet: C/O Cutey* | Nails: Barry M Matt White and Pink Iredescent

I am a little fussy when it comes to bodycon dresses; they need to do exactly what they're meant to and fit my body like a glove. This Missikon flower bodycon dress doesn't fit me as snugly as I would prefer (the size 8 would probably fit a size 10 better, you can see it is a little baggy around my arms), but I absolutely adore the colours and print so I thought I would make it work by wearing it as a top tucked in to my shorts. What do you think? My shorts and my boots you have all seen before, they are staples in my wardrobe and I pretty much live in them; they are both so frickin' comfy!

You have probably noticed that I have changed the size of my photographs so that the width of the portrait photos are the same as that of the landscape photos; do you prefer it this way? I personally think it looks a lot neater... Also, how is the quality of them? I had a little trouble when I was testing out the new sizing on here and the quality seemed to be really bad once I had uploaded them. I think I may have fixed it now but I will let you be the judge of that!

I hope you like my outfit!
*DISCLOSURE: Starred items are PR samples or were paid for using a voucher code.


  1. love that shorts. so cool.


    check out New Look Denim Competition on my blog and win a pair of jeans!

    1. They're my favourite pair of shorts at the moment, so comfy! x

  2. I love that dress/top, it's so pretty, and I adore that cat necklace - so cute!

  3. I like the boots with the high socks.

  4. Cute outfit, I love the new widths of the portrait photos. It's much sleeker.

    1. Thanks lovely! I agree, think I am going to keep them this way from now on :) x

  5. You look great, love your blog! <3

  6. I love your boots! And your hair look great:)

  7. Wearing your top tucked into your shorts really suits you! Every time I do that I just feel really fat *cringe*! The cat necklace is so adorable, love your boots Xx

    1. Aww thank you lovely, I bet it looks absolutely fine on you though! :) x


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