Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Giveaway: Win a case of Rekorderlig! *NOW CLOSED*

Ahh, I have been absent for a couple of days again; I hate when this happens, it completely ruins my routine! However, I thought what better way to make a comeback than with a giveaway?

Rekorderlig have recently brought out a new campaign that aims to bring "the beautifully stylish and relaxed nature of the Swedes" over to the UK. They have launched a series of YouTube videos based on their "Swedish School" which I have really enjoyed watching- they are really funny and I will embed a few of them to the end of this post so that you can enjoy them too! :)

Rekorderlig is my choice of drink both for chilled nights in or nights on the town with friends- I usually hate the taste of alcoholic beverages but Rekorderlig cider has a fruity and refreshing taste which is kind on the tastebuds. Not only were they kind enough to send me a few bottles of my favourite flavour, Wild Berries*, but they are also offering three of my readers a case of the flavour of their choice (check out their website to see the different flavours available)! Two of these cases I am going to give away via my blog, and the third will be a Twitter giveaway, so keep an eye out for that for another chance to win!

So here are the rules for my blog giveaway:
  • Enter via the rafflecopter form below only!
  • You must be 18 or over and must be able to provide a copy of your identification to clarify this if you win.
  • This giveaway is open to the UK only! Sorry to my international followers, I am currently saving up for my 1,000 follower giveaway which will definitely be international!
  • The competition will run for 10 days, so it will end on Saturday, September 15, 2012!
  • I always run these giveaways to say thank you to my loyal followers. Please do not enter through accounts made solely for giveaways- these entries will be disqualified!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

So I hope you enter and good luck to everybody! Check out the videos below and let me know what you think! :) 

*DISCLOSURE: This is a sponsored giveaway. Rekorderlig are kindly providing the prize for the giveaway :)


  1. berry cider is my all time fave beverage! great comp thankyou

    - ordaining serendipity

  2. Can't believe I still haven't tried this yet - I've heard so much about it! The videos were pretty random haha!

    1. It's so good! Haha they are quite random aren't they? x

  3. love this stuff... like the only cider i do like! yummyyy x

    1. Same! I think most other alcoholic drinks taste nasty haha! x

  4. Oohhhh I would love to win this!!!
    I love strawberry and lime with lots of ice!! :)

  5. I LOVE berry cider! :)

  6. Brilliant giveaway, this is my most favouritest cider!

  7. Sounds great!forgot to say my face book name is christine dougan! x

  8. Oh my God I adore Rekorderlig! It's so, so beautiful. Such a great giveaway xo

  9. Great give away. Fingers crossed.
    Thank you.

    B xxx

  10. Great. Nothing better for a Saturday night :-)

  11. Yes! We know how to make cider in Sweden. But as a Swede I did find Swedish School funny yet a bit disturbing, haha :)

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Haha it's good cider! Swedish School definitely looks interesting haha! :P :) x

  12. Thanks for running such a fab giveaway, Rekorderlig is the best tasting cider I've ever tried x

    1. You're welcome, I couldn't turn down the opportunity haha! x

  13. I tried Rekorderlig for the first time the other day - it's DELICIOUS! Congrats on winning the Daisy Street Blogger Comp :D xxx

    1. It's glorious isn't it haha! Good luck :) Aww thank you lovely! :) x


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