Sunday, 12 August 2012

Review: LUSH Pheonix Rising Bath Bomb.

 I won't lie, when I was browsing the stacks of bath products in Lush the other day, this one caught my eye and I found myself popping it in to a little paper bag and carrying it over to the till solely because of it's beautiful purple and gold colouring. I am like a magpie when it comes to pretty colours, glitter and gold and was intrigued to see what this would do to my bath water.

 The Pheonix Rising Bath Bomb is a deep purple solid block, sprinkled with golden powder and with a cinnamon stick set on top. Cinnamon is the featured product in this bath bomb, and although I am not the biggest fan of the strong scent of cinnamon, I actually really enjoyed the scent of this- the cinnamon is toned down by the scent of the shea and cocoa butter, making it less spicy.


 This bath bomb is quite large so I think it is possible to get two baths out of it if you break it in to pieces, however this would ruin the "surprise" inside. I threw mine in whole and it started whizzing around the bath intantly, taking a while to fully dissolve. It turned the water a fuschia pinky purple shade with a tiny bit of shimmer; I was expecting there to be a lot of shimmery, gold powder in the bath but it didn't really transfer. The core of Pheonix Rising is green, leaving a few green swirls in your bath towards the end, although mine broke up a little so I only got a splodge of green.

As with the majority of Lush bath products that I have tried, this bath bomb left the water feeling very soft and moisturising. One thing I noticed, however, is that this is a little more oily than other products. I noticed that as the bath bomb fizzed away, the colour and the bath water separated and needed a bit of swirling about. My skin also felt a little greasy when I got out of the bath, but this is my only niggle with this bath bomb (has anybody else noticed this?).
Cue pretty, swirly pictures of Pheonix Rising fizzing away.

Despite the bath bomb being quite greasy, I think Pheonix Rising is my favourite bath product that I have tried so far. It can be purchased from Lush for £3.20, which I think it worth it if you feel like treating yourself, plus as I mentioned earlier you could probably get two baths out of this.

Have you tried Pheonix Rising? What is your favourite Lush product?


  1. It just looks so so pretty! x

  2. ooooh 0.0 <-- that was my face seeing the swirly prettiness. I haven't used LUSH in so long! I really fell out of love with it when they discontinued a load of their products. But I'm tempted to try the newer stuff after hearing good things about it. xx

    1. Haha that was probably my face too! Ooh you definitely need to go in and have a look at what's in now :) x

  3. This looks absolutely amazing, I think that I'd get a little bit hypnotised haha! I've used so many different lush products but I'm ashamed to say that I've never tried a bath bomb! I may have to put in an order now :) xx

    1. Haha, the swirls do like quite mystical don't they? I love treating myself to a bath bomb every now and again, I definitely recommend :) x

  4. that is so cool!

  5. How pretty. I really need to try Lush products but I have to order online and I really want to smell everything first..Ill finally be near a store soon:)

    Sara xx

    1. Aww that's a shame :( I always prefer to smell things first aswell. At least you will be able to soon! :) x

  6. I love this bad boy! I know you mentioned it being greasy but I actually like this with the Lush bombs, I like a little bit of extra moisture! I was brought up with my mum putting essential oils in my bath though so I think I've grown up liking an oily bathtime!

    I'm currently holding a St Tropez Dark/Original giveaway if you'd like to take a look

    1. This is actually the first bath bomb I've noticed it with! It is really moisturising though, I just can't stand the feeling of oil on my skin haha, it feels like it will never come off! x

  7. Wow this looks absolutely beautiful! I'm not really into LUSH though, everything is pretty overpriced to me z=

    1. Some things can be rather expensive, I only treat myself to something every now and again! There are some decently priced products though! x

  8. That has got to be the prettiest Lush bath bomb I've ever seen. Love the colours x

  9. I love this bath bomb, the colours also sold it for me straight away! xx

  10. Ooh, I almost bought this when I was in Lush last but didn't get it because I've still got one to use. May have to make this the next one :) x

  11. Its designed to be a good one for drier skin, thats why its a bit more oily, the oils and butters in it are good for problem skin and eczema. Your pictures make it look so purdyyyy, I haven't tried this one yet but I love the smell xx

    1. Ah well that makes sense haha :) I have dry skin on my body and it did help, I just can't stand the feel of oil haha! x

  12. Girl`s i have found and interesting online store, they have some original bath bombs I really enjoy them, i think they are better than LUSH bath bombs, but it`s only my opinion=)


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