Thursday, 12 July 2012

Review: Firmoo Sunglasses.

So I arrived back in the rainy UK yesterday and my post-festival blues are already setting in; I am listening to my Calvi On The Rocks playlist on Spotify and feeling so depressed haha. I have a few Calvi-related posts lined up over the next week or so, such as a couple of outfit posts and also looking at French festival fashion. Today I have a little review of these Firmoo sunglasses* I was sent to try out. They have been a saviour to my little eyeballs in the intense sun over the last few days.

Firstly, here is a little bit about Firmoo:

Firmoo is an online eyeglasses store, whose goal is to create vision and fashion in a frugal way, therefore making high-quality and fashionable pieces at decent prices. On top of that, Firmoo have a program where they offer free eyewear to first-time buyers, meaning you get to try a pair of glasses for free before deciding if you would like to purchase from Firmoo again!

You can pick between normal eyeglasses or sunglasses, and you can choose to have prescription lenses if you need glasses to help your vision, or just to have fashion lenses. As I don't normally wear glasses, I opted for a pair of sunglasses. There isn't a large selection of sunglasses on Firmoo but they do have some nice, fashionable frames available and they get new styles in stock quite often. They also have a virtual try-on tool so that you can upload a photograph of yourself and see how the glasses would look on you before you choose them.

My sunglasses arrived around 4 days after they were dispatched, which I think is great considering they were shipped from overseas. They came with a hard case (pictured above), a soft pouch and a cleaning cloth.

They seem to be of good quality and shield my eyes from the sun well. The sunglasses from Firmoo also have a wrap-around design, which gives you more protection from the sun and is apparently more flattering on the face.

If you are in need of a new pair of eyeglasses/ sunglasses, click here to find out how you can get your free pair!

Have you tried Firmoo's service?

*PR Sample. My opinions are still 100% honest and my own.


  1. Those glasses are amazing, I can't believe you can get a free pair! I hope you aren't too sad about coming back to the miserable weather over here! xx

    1. Such a good deal, isn't it! It's a bit sad being back in the cold, I much prefer being on a beach under the sun, but hopefully we will get to see some sunshine soon! :) x

  2. I know I write this in the comments every time but I LOVE YOUR HAIR! Ahh, so much hair envy right now. >.<
    I do find sunglasses with a wrap-around design to generally be more flattering.

    xx Veronica

    1. Aww thanks so much beaut! You can have it haha, it's such a pain to maintain! I think I do too, now that I have a pair :) x

  3. Really great glasses and if they are free, even better! xx

    1. Yeah it's great that they let you try them out for free first, isn't it? :) x

  4. I'm glad you had a great time :)

    Those sunglasses are lovely x

  5. Looks as though you had a lovely time hunni, the sunnies look fabulous on you xx

  6. Very jealous of your holiday. Great windswept hair ;)

    1. Haha I was definitely rocking the windswept look the entire time I was there :P x

  7. They have a great variety of glasses and sunglasses on their site. I've been obsessed with sunnies lately so this is definitely a good option! In addition they look super cute on you! Enjoy them!!!! XOXOX

    MayT Essentials

    1. They do have a lot of styles to choose from... I love sunglasses too, and I think it's great that you can get a free pair! Thanks lovely :) x

  8. Thank you very much lovely! :) I will definitely check out your blog! x

  9. Nice sunglasses i am so inspired here could you more share here i will be back to you as soon as possible.
    Thanks for sharing...

    Cheap Sunglasses


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