Sunday, 1 July 2012

My Best Festival Experience.

I know it's not something that gets mentioned a lot on my blog, but music is one of my biggest loves in life. A handful of you may know that I like to do a little bit of singing and guitar playing in my spare time, and every now and again I pop a video up on YouTube (although it has been a while!).

One thing I love to do is attend concerts; as content as I am with listening to MP3s on my iPod whilst on a train journey, it just doesn't compare to seeing and hearing a band's raw talent up close, whilst jumping around in a sweaty group of people. Even more than concerts, however, I love festivals. Every year, I always take a sneaky peek at Reading Festival and V Festival on the TV to see what I am missing. I wish I could say that I am a regular festival goer, with a collection of wristbands up my arm as proof, but unfortunately, mainly due to a lack of funds every Summer (after giving all my money to university!), I can only say that I have been to one. However, I couldn't have asked for a better first festival experience.

Leeds Festival 2010
 I still remember when the tickets for Leeds Festival 2010 came on sale, and I was sat with my best friend frantically clicking away on my laptop with five different ticket sites open to ensure that I got ours. So many wonderful rumours were going around about the line-up that year, so we decided that we just couldn't miss it. I'll admit we both squealed like a couple of 12-year-old fan girls when our ticket confirmation came through and the official line-up, complete with Blink 182, Guns 'N' Roses, Biffy Clyro and a number of other bands we love popped up on the screen.

The festival itself was amazing, and I can safely say that August 26-30, 2010 was the most exciting, hilarious and just generally the best time of my life so far. The weather was pleasant for the majority of the weekend, the sun peeked through the clouds and there was an insignificant few droplets of rain. My friends and I used this to our advantage, embracing the festival fashion and painting neon dots and stripes on to our faces. And of course the most important part; the music. We tended to just wander around the various stages and tents during the day, capturing a taste of the different genres of music that were on offer, and gathered around the main stage in the evening for the last few bands of the line-up, who were incredible. I wish I had taken more pictures but here is a few of the decents ones I could find:

I would do anything to be able to experience this weekend again; it couldn't have been more perfect. To this day I have refused to cut off my wristband (ew, I know haha)!

Were you at Reading/Leeds Festival 2010? What was your best festival experience?
 This is my entry for the Diesel Calvi On the Rocks contest.


  1. My best experience was V98 when I was just 13. My big brother took me and it was from that weekend on that a became a MASSIVE Green Day fan. There were hardly any people watching them and they were pretty much bottom of the line-up. Tres Cool even set fire to his drums (you don't see that from him these days). I'd do anything to travel back to that weekend and relive it. It was the best :D

    1. Ooh that sounds so strange that they weren't that big then... Sounds like it was amazing experience :) x

  2. I wish I got tickets for the reading festival this year, it looks so amazing :)

    1. I haven't been that impressed with the lineup the past couple of years :( I think 2012 set high standards for me haha! x

  3. aw i would love to go to reading festival, it seems amazing - such great music!xo

    1. You definitely need to experience it some time :) x

  4. amazing photos! have a nice day! xoxo

  5. it's my dream to go to a proper festival- sounds like you had an amazing time!:) I think you're really talented btw, I just found your YouTube account!:)xo

    1. Aww you must! Such an amazing atmosphere, it's so much fun! Aww thanks lovely! :) x

  6. I completely agree, I went to Leeds 2010 too and it was possibly the best weekend of my life. I've loved blink-182 since I was little so it was amazing to finally see them! xx

    1. Yeah it was amazing seeing Blink 182, that was definitely a highlight! I just saw them in Manchester a few weeks ago too :) x

  7. ah i went to Reading 2010, was amazing!

    1. Was such a good year for Reading and Leeds! :) x

  8. I love festivals, haven't been to one for a couple of years but have been a serial Glastonbury goer in the past. I've also been to V a couple of times, and Reading and Big Chill once....I miss them so much and have felt so sad for the last couple of years, having to watch them on TV!My pennies just wouldn't stretch to it, and I wasn't really in the country when any were on for the last couple of summers. For me, Glastonbury is, without a doubt, the best festival I've been to. It never fails to impress. Really hope I can go next year!
    Your photos are lovely, you look really nice - I daren't post any of my festival pictures as they are not the most flattering, to say the least!
    Mel x

    1. Ooh I'm quite jealous about the amount of festivals you have been to haha, I'd love to experience Glastonbury or V! Aww thank you haha, I think I look pretty rough, I was recovering from a cold too! :( x

  9. i love the second photo! Looks and sounds so much fun!


  10. In Australia we have Soundwave Festival which is a mixture of punk, rock, and metal music. I've been to two in the past 3 years and loved it. The best thing is most of the bands put on meet and greets so you can go and get some photos and something signed. Best experiences of my life.

    1. Oh I've heard of that, it sounds so much fun! There are so many festivals in the US and Australia that I'd love to go to :) x

  11. festivals sound amazing, i'll have to go when im older! xo

  12. Looks like fun! I'm your newest follower! Check out my new blog and follow back if you would like :)

  13. Festivals in the UK seem soo cool! Great blog post! I love the photos :)

    1. I think the same about international festivals haha, I want to go to them all! x

  14. i wish i was a festival girl! i've tried, i really have. i can do a day but i cannot camp. i like my bed :( xx

    1. Oh no, I love camping! Can't beat a warm, dry bed though! x

  15. Wow it looks like you had such a brilliant time, I love how you painted your face, always loved those types of pattern!!

  16. Made me supper excited for Leeds 2012 now!!


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