Monday, 5 January 2015

Personal: Reflecting on 2014 & Goals for 2015.

 Image source: Google
It's true what they say; time certainly does seem to pass by faster the older you get. I can't even fathom where 2014 disappeared to; I still remember exactly where I was and who I was with as I welcomed in the New Year as though it was only a couple of months ago, yet five nights ago I was waving goodbye to it with completely new company. I am one of those people guilty of giving a shrug of the shoulders and a boring answer when faced with any question involving life and events (you know the kind; "what you been up to?", "nothing much..."), but it was only when I sat down thinking that this blog post would be a breeze to write that I realised that 2014 was probably one of my most eventful and defining in recent years.

2014 Highlights.

2014, although tainted with a few downs amongst the highlights, was an improvement from the previous two years at least. I passed my driving test, completed an internship where I gained invaluable experience in my chosen career path plus some wonderful friends, and I finally got the opportunity to travel to Singapore (a country that I have wanted to visit for a long time) to see my dad for the first time in two years. Not to mention some of the opportunities that my blog has brought my way, including Liverpool Sound City and Creamfields, numerous press events, plus jumping out of a plane at 14,000 ft; something that I never thought I would do in my lifetime. As always, writing my blog has been a joy in 2014, and I'm extremely grateful to all the brands who choose to contact me to represent them and their campaigns and you lovely lot, whose support keeps my passion for the community strong, even at times where I have found it hard to stay motivated.
2015 Resolutions.
What I love about New Year is that it really does feel like a fresh start. 2014 isn't a thing any more and it's exciting (if not a little scary) not knowing what the next twelve months are going to bring. And with that comes New Years resolutions; a way of shaping your year to be what you want it to be. For 2015, I have made three:
1. Blog consistently. During busy times in 2014, I found it difficult to maintain my blog, resulting in some months only seeing two or three blog posts. Shocking. This year, I have bought myself a blogging diary in an attempt to keep organized, and I plan on publishing at least four posts per week.
2. Be healthier. Those of you who followed me on Instagram in 2013 will know how important health and fitness is to me, but I did slack a little a lot in 2014. It's time to renew that gym membership and put my Christmas sweet stash away for special occasions!
3. Do more things. No, really. This year I am going to make an extra effort to spend time with those who matter, do the things that I have always wanted to do, and hopefully travel to someplace new.
What are your resolutions for 2015?
Frances x


  1. one of my new years resolutions is to kick your little butt and get you to make youtube ahah ;)

  2. Lovely resolutions. Hope you accomplish them.

    Jackie | fashionxfairytale | bloglovin' |

  3. Amazing post! love your resolutions, I find them useful and interesting, u go girl!

    Please visit my blog, I am new here =

  4. cool :) when are you going to post your first youtube video?


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