Sunday, 25 January 2015

Outfit: New Look Denim Part II.

Photo credit: Shane Murray
Jeans: C/O New Look* | Top: ASOS | Coat: C/O Fashion Union* (old) | Boots: H&M | Hat: Primark
When I opted for a pair of ripped jeans from New Look's vast range of denim for their style challenge, I didn't quite take in to consideration how difficult it would be to style outfits for three different occasions with gaping holes in my knees. However, it isn't impossible. Here is my second ensemble in my three-part mini-series (you can see the first one here), and whilst it's still a pretty casual look, I think it's less "girl at the rock show" and more "date night with friends".
Now that the jeans are covered, can I just avert your attention down to the weapons on my feet for a second- At a steal of £15 in the H&M sale, they are not only my sale purchase of the year, but they are also the new stars of my rather ridiculous shoe collection.
How would you style up your ripped skinny jeans?
Frances x
*DISCLOSURE: Starred items are PR samples.


  1. I actually prefer this look to the first one, the jeans look great, New Look used to always be my go-to for jeans but a while ago they changed their cuts and they just didn't fit me like they used to! I'll have to go back in and try them again, maybe they've changed! Those shoes are killers, I couldn't pull them off but you wear them so well!

    Sarah :)
    Saloca in Wonderland

  2. You look so lush girl! That coat is just dreamy. I have just gotten into ripped jeans myself and find they can really add a little something to an outfit. xoxo

  3. I'm totally loving this look, looks amazing! :)

    Maybe following each other?

    Let me know :) <3

  4. Love this! the coat is amazing xx

  5. £15?! That's such a bargain! They're amazing!
    Looking lovely in the jeans too : )

  6. absolutely gorgeous outfit, dear. Love the faux fur and you can really pull it off *_*

    xx rebekah

  7. Another great post! The jeans look fab in the ensemble! I love the boots too, I think they would be my sale purchase of the year if i was able to get my hands on them, too!
    Sam xx


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