Saturday, 26 July 2014

Outfit: I Was Born A Unicorn.

Dress: C/O Sugarhill Boutique* | Shoes: C/O Mocks* | Hat and Rings: C/O Rare London* | Watch: Tommy Hilfiger C/O Shade Station

The cutesy bicycle, lovebird and gramophone prints that Sugarhill are so well known for have always got me lusting over their pieces, but this new design had me feeling things I've never felt before. Put white unicorns on a dusky blue chiffon dress in a flattering skater style and there isn't much more I could ask for in an every day dress; needless to say, I have lived in this for the past couple of weeks.
I also need to take a moment to express my adoration for these shoes. Admittedly, when I was introduced to these for the first time I recoiled a little at the idea of water proof, plastic shoes- Glorified Crocs, anybody?! But whilst Crocs are something that I will never be okay with, these I have become quite accustomed to- They're sleek, lightweight and the leather trim gives them a more stylish look than their chunky, clog-shaped distant relatives. And I must admit, the fact that they can be easily washed clean is pretty convenient. Mocks, I approve! <3

Do you love Sugarhill's Unicorn print?
What do you think of Mocks?

Frances x

*DISCLOSURE: Starred items are PR samples.


  1. This outfit is amazing. I'm seriously in love with the unicorn print now. x

  2. Love this outfit! The dress is beautiful. You look lovely!

    xx Mimmi, Muted Mornings

  3. You look lovely and may you and sugarhill know that this post lead me to their site from which I did do dress-buying. Shockingly, despite my desire to be friends with a real-life Unicorn, I didn't buy your lovely Unicorn dress, utterly adorable as it is. There should be more Unicorns in the world though, and I do own one Unicorn dress which I like to think has a little magic to it. How can a Unicorn not be magical? :)

  4. The dress gets my vote, it fits you so well and is such a cute design!

    Sarah :)
    Saloca in Wonderland

  5. Hi Frances!!

    I saw this dress on another blogger earlier this week and fell head over heels for it!! I LOVE unicorns!! don't know why, but I do!

    It looks soooo cute on you, and makes me want it even more, but I feel like I shouldn't spend more money on clothes right now!!

    Unicorns are definitely magical and real Carolyn!!

    I love how you've paired it with that hat too, great look!

    Love Shani xo
    Co-founder at Style Honey

  6. Firstly, Unicorn's are the best and so are white nails (I am currently sporting some ;) hehe). But most importantly you look gorge, teaming that cute dress with the loafers looks great! Gx

  7. I know that what make me feel lucky when I see your post. You look so beautiful and pretty, I love your dress so much. And you give me the style of summer dress.
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