Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Outfit: The cape.

Dress: C/O Darccy* | Shoes: C/O Annabella-Rose* | Belt: Unknown | Sunglasses: C/O Firmoo*

Long time, no outfit post! I'm going to save us some time and skip the excuses today, but I will promise that there are lots more outfit posts to come over the next few weeks (the huge rail of unphotographed clothes in my bedroom is telling me that there will be a lot of blogging on the agenda now that I have finished my internship).

Anyway, with big names such as Lupito Nyong'o, Katy Perry and Amy Adams rocking the look at star-studded events this year, it seems that the cape trend is trying to make its way on to the high street in a more subtle, less red-carpet kind of way. Enter this vintage-inspired number by Darccy, which gives a subtle nod to the 1940s whilst remaining stylish yet classy enough for a Summer wedding or formal garden party (neither of which have I been invited to this year, booo). Yellow is a colour that doesn't appear enough in my wardrobe at the moment, probably because I tend to lean more towards mustard hues for Autumn/Winter, but this pastel shade is gorgeous for this season without being too in-your-face. However, if you prefer, this dress is also available and is equally as pretty in pastel pink.

Have you seen the cape trend about? What do you think? :)

Frances x

*DISCLOSURE: Starred items are PR samples.


  1. That dress is stunning! I'm definitely seeing a lot of the cape style around recently and I might just have a cheeky purchase. Shh don't tell anyone!
    Holly x

  2. I'm in love with that dress, it's lovely! Love your setting for the photos, great shoot!

    Sarah :)
    Saloca in Wonderland

  3. beautiful dress and color on you

  4. Absolutely lovely outfit!


  5. Oh wow, this dress is so lovely. Very vintage looking and the cape is perfect on it. x


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