Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Review: My Life Story Diary

Being a sentimental girl I've always loved the idea of having somewhere to keep all my thoughts and my best memories, but having tried and failed at keeping a yearly diary many times when I was younger I had truly written off the idea, until I came across this little gem over at Find Me A Gift.

The My Life Story Diary is a lifetime journal containing a spread per season (Spring, Summer, etc) for 100 years, plus a page for the highlights of each year, photographs of you and also your "top 10s". It is perfect for jotting down one-liners to help you remember a special time and for sticking in photographs, ticket stubs and other keepsakes. The front of the diary also has pages dedicated to writing down the details of your birth, your education, jobs and achievements as well as marking any tattoos and piercings you have and keeping track of where you have lived/visited on a little map of the world. I think this would make a thoughtful gift for anybody, whether they be just starting their life after university like myself or even a newborn! I can't wait to flick back through my diary twenty or thirty years down the line and see what I have achieved and how much I have changed!

The diary is a good quality hardback bound book with an engraved golden font on the front, which can be personalized with a unique message to make this gift extra special. They can also be purchased in pairs so that you and your significant other can record your lives together or they could also make beautiful mother-daughter gifts for somebody who is expecting.

If you would like to purchase a My Life Story Diary or see more information, you can find it here.

Do you keep a diary? How do you keep track of your memories? :)

Frances x

*DISCLOSURE: PR Samples. My thoughts and opinions are still 100% honest and my own.


  1. Wow that is amazing, I love this idea :)

    Sophie x

    1. It's great, isn't it :) Will be amazing to look back on it! xx

  2. Oh I am totally buying one of these! This is awesomeness !!

  3. This is the cutest idea. I'd love to get my hands on a copy. x

  4. This is the cutest thing ever, such a nice idea to look back on what you've wrote over the years!

    1. I know right, it'll be crazy to look back! :) xx

  5. This is such an amazing interesting book i'd love to start writing in it! But it's so expensive at full price wow!
    Instagram @abigailalicex

    1. I agree, it was pretty pricey! It's better than half price now though! :) xx

  6. I love this! I've always wanted to keep a diary, but I'm too lazy and I always end up losing it, whoopsie.

    Monica x
    The Total Opposite

    1. Haha, me too! I've lost count of how many times I attempted to keep a diary when I was younger! xx

  7. Wow this is incredible! I'm now really wanting one of these ;') xx

    1. Such a lovely idea isn't it? I'd definitely recommend getting one! xx

  8. This looks so cool. Like a more elaborate version of the diary where you write one line a day for 5 years or something. I'd be sooo happy with one of these as a gift. xxo
    The Edge of Beauty

    1. Yeah, I thought this when I got it! :) Aww maybe you should ask for it for a birthday or Christmas some time ;) xx

  9. I do keep a diary, I used to when I was younger, then gave up for some years but for the past few years I've been pretty good with keeping up with it.

  10. Aw this looks so cute! I've always loved to keep a diary and this looks like the exact type of thing I've always wanted since I was a little girl... Adorable :) x

  11. This is such a great idea for a Dairy and would be brilliant to look back on years later!


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