Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Outfit: All Black Everything.

Top & Bracelet: C/O Fashion Union* | Skirt: C/O Lavish Alice* | Shoes: C/O Tribeca Shoes* | Hat: H&M | Saw Ring: C/O Papa East* | Black Stone Ring: Primark

Hello lovely ladies!

Firstly, I'll start off by saying a very belated Happy New Year! I've been well and truly out of the blogging loop for the past three weeks due to my laptop being away for repair- Not the way I wanted to start 2014! However I'm back with lots to catch up on so expect to be seeing lots from me :)

With the January sales almost out of the way, the high street stores have been busy restocking their rails with floral prints, pastels and summer dresses, all of which excite the Summer baby in me very much. However, dreary January is seeing me make the most of my love affair with velvet and darkness before my inner goth takes a back seat to make way for the Summer trends (although you will never get me away from leather and lace).

What Spring/Summer trends are you most looking forward to this year?

Frances x

*DISCLOSURE: Starred items are PR samples.


  1. such a gorgeous outfit! x

    I also have a big beauty pamper pack giveaway on my blog! check it out if youd like xx

  2. love this outfit! the top is gorgeous!
    xx Ayesha

    1. Thanks lovely :) I'm in love with this top, one of my favourites at the moment! xx

  3. Cute outfit! I'm saving my bare legs for spring I think it's far too cold still to venture outside unless wrapped up!
    Instagram @abigailalicex

    1. Oh, it was definitely chilly taking these photos haha! You can see my goosebumps in the jewellery shots haha! xx

  4. Love the outfit! That bracelet is really nice!


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