Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Outfit: Sports Luxe

Blouse: Primark | Joggers: C/O F+F* | Shoes: C/O F+F* | Necklace: Dorothy Perkins

I'm so late to the trend that I'm not sure it's even a "trend" any more, but I fell for these joggers and decided that they were too nice to be reserved only for gym sessions, so I took on F+F's "How You're Wearing It" challenge to show how I'd style these bad boys. The idea of wearing something sporty with jewellery and a pair of killer heels never crossed my mind as "right", or as something that I would ever be able to pull off, but I think the stylish PU stripe on these F+F trousers pulls the outfit together and stops me from looking like a mis-matched mess. If I'd have known that I could go on a night out wearing a pair of jogging pants, I would have done it a long time ago!

Are you a fan of sports luxe?
*DISCLOSURE: Starred items are PR samples.


  1. Gorgeous missy moo, love those joggers!

  2. Lovely outfit and your shoes are fab!

    Jackie | fashionxfairytale |

  3. Those shoes are just beautiful! Can't believe they are from Tesco, when I saw them on your IG I thought they were designer! Soooo nice, shame they have sold out of my size online :( Tesco do some gorgeous items at the moment, I actually bought a coat from there at the weekend.

    If you have a minute, feel free to check out my post on it here -

    Kelsie x

  4. Love this outfit, its so classy but still stylish!
    -Magenta xxx

  5. I recently purchased some trousers similar to that style but took them back, I'm so used to jeans!
    These look great on you :)
    Amy x
    A Little Boat Sailing

  6. wauw prachtige outfit!
    love it !


  7. I love the panelling down the side of the joggers, they're very cute :)
    Water Painted Dreams xxx

  8. Love your shoes! such a elegant outfit!
    xx Ayesha

  9. Such a nice outfit, didn't even notice your trousers are joggers, styled so well! xx


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