Happy December 1st, everybody! Can you believe that it's December already?! This year has flown by!
For me, Christmas is very much a time of giving and the gift of making somebody's day a little better is priceless. This is why I have teamed up with Coca Cola this year to inspire people to give something back to others during the festive period. For the next 24 days I will be embarking on a journey to put a smile on as many people's faces as I can through the 12 Good Deeds of Christmas that Coca Cola have challenged me to complete. They have kitted me up with a Christmas hamper to help me spread festive cheer, so here is my to-do list:
1. Take the time to stop and listen to some Christmas carol singers.
2. Thank your bin-ban, postman or paper boy with a surprise gift.
3.Offer to pay for taxis after a Christmas night out.
4.Surprise a loved one with a kiss under the mistletoe or a festive hug.
5. Give someone a hand carrying their Christmas shopping or luggage.
6. Make your colleagues smile by wearing a silly Christmas hat for a day.
7. Pay someone a compliment they weren't expecting.
8. Wish a complete stranger a Merry Christmas.
9. Surpise someone with a home made Christmas card.
10. Hold a door open for someone.
11. Reward good customer service with a thank you note.
12. Do your bit for the environment and recycle throughout Christmas.
I will be sharing progress of my good deeds and also opening a door of my Coca Cola advent calendar each day via all of my social media accounts, so make sure that you are following me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. I would also encourage all of you to join in with me and make somebody's day by completing a few of these little tasks, so if you find yourself partaking in a random act of kindness then please share your good deed with me by mentioning me on Twitter or Instagram and using the hashtag #CokeGoodDeeds.
If you need a little more inspiration to get yourself in to the Christmas spirit, take a look at Coca-Cola's heart-warming new "Shooting Star" advert which is the inspiration behind this campaign. This year it isn't about going out of pocket to impress someone; it's about the little things. It isn't about us believing in Father Christmas, it's about him believing in us.
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