Monday, 23 December 2013

Interview: Holly Smale, Author of Geek Girl.

A couple of weeks ago I experienced my first ever Clothes Show Live in Birmingham. Mind blown was not the word to describe how I felt when I wandered in to the huge exhibition space to see thousands of people bustling around the hundreds of beauty and fashion stands, food wagons and catwalk shows. One thing is for sure, I'll definitely save up a bit of money next year, it's definitely not a happy place for a poor person to be.

However, shopping wasn't my first priority at Clothes Show Live this year. I was invited along to meet lovely author, Holly Smale to interview her on her latest release, Geek Girl: Model Misfit. Over a Starbucks and the occasional exchange about how huge the Clothes Show was and how terribly unorganised we both were for the occasion, I found out a little more about her novel.

Having jotted down stories since the tender age of five years old, Holly is literally living the dream as a product of her imagination finally hits the shelves and becomes a best seller at number 6 on the charts. Back at Clothes Show Live, the place that first inspired her to write Geek Girl, she keeps her feet on the ground and greets me with a humble smile and a friendly chat. "Geek Girl is about a girl who is unpopular at school and is spotted by model scouts. She thinks everything is looking up for her from here, but how wrong she is", Without giving too much away, Holly briefed me on the book which I instantly though was very Princess Diaries-esque. A romantic comedy suitable for girls (and guys if they're in to that sort of thing!) aged 11+, Holly describes how she doesn't write with a certain target audience in mind but keeps her books free of swearing and sexual references. By writing with her "inner child", she produces a work that everybody can enjoy.

Geek Girl and Geek Girl: Model Misfit can be bought at all major bookstores or online at Amazon at an RRP of £6.99 each, so they're a perfect gift for any young girl, or even if you're looking for an easy read yourself. With two books already a success, I had to ask Holly if a third was imminent. "Yes, a third book is currently in the works. We may also be in talks about a film, but I can't tell you too much about that! Geek Girl actually gets launched in America in January 2015, so we have to wait and see what happens there first".
Okay, Holly! We'll be watching this space!

If you'd like to learn more about Holly and her works, you can find her on Facebook and Twitter.

Have you read any of the Geek Girl books?
*DISCLOSURE: Sponsored post.

1 comment:

  1. i love reading book reviews! i didn't make it to the clothes show this year but it does sound quite a crazy experience. this book sounds really fun too - the exact kind of thing i like to read about!
    lily x


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