Thursday, 3 October 2013

Outfit: She Was A Raver of Eastern Flavour.

Kimono: C/O In Love With Fashion* | Dress: C/O Chicnova* | Boots: Glamorous | Hat: H&M | Belt: Primark | Sunglasses: C/O Chicnova* | Necklace: C/O Papa East* | Bracelet: C/O Fashion Union* | Watch: Michael Kors | Cross Ring: C/O The Accessory Stand* | Black Stone Ring: Republic
Upon receiving parcels in September containing these bright yellow and floral numbers and a new pair of sunglasses, it was apparent that I wasn't letting go of Summer just yet. Conveniently, the weather had the same idea and the sunny spell we had last week found me rocking this outfit for a shopping trip to Cheshire Oaks. This said, I can see myself wearing this kimono quite a lot through the Autumn/Winter transition, I think that the blue and dark brown combination is one that is quite versatile and can be styled for all the seasons, and the satin material is perfect for throwing on over a party outfit when it is a little chilly.
*DISCLOSURE: Starred items are PR samples.


  1. I love how you paired this outfit! The bright floral kimono looks really good with the yellow simple dress! Reminds me of festival season!

    Yuen @ The Craziest Paradigm - a 'lil bit of rust & stardust

  2. Kimono is gorgeous, Frances! Katie xxx

  3. That kimono is gorgeous!

    It's really set off against the yellow of the dress.

    Hmm maybe...

  4. I love this! I agree the colour scheme of this one is so versatile, you can play on the yellows and blues in the warmer weather and the red/brown colours for a more autumnal palette :)

    Bella. BELLAETC

  5. Lovely outfit, the colours are so pretty Xx

  6. I love the kimono so much! So floreal and fresh... it is best for spring/summer though. Btw so rare a sunny day in London! Lucky you in Liverpool ;)

    Click here to visit my blog!

  7. this outfit is so cute on you! find anything nice at cheshire oaks? i always manage to find some goodies there haha:) only just discovered your blog but i love your style and everything you post about. Followed you on bloglovin and I'd love if you could check out my blog too!
    lily x


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