Monday, 24 June 2013

Review: Find Me A Gift- Bomb Cosmetics Halcyon Daze Bath Set.

As much as I love buying gifts for people and watching their faces as they open them, I sure am rubbish at buying them! I can never think of ideas, so this is where companies such as Find Me A Gift come in handy- especially for funny or cute little gifts for friends. Find Me A Gift kindly offered to send me an item from their website to review- as I had nobody to buy a gift for, I decided to treat myself to an early birthday present ;) Thanks, Find Me A Gift!

I went for the Halycon Daze Bath Set by Bomb Cosmetics- I have heard of the brand before and as an avid Lush fanatic, I thought it would be nice to try out another handmade bath bomb company.
The package came packed safely in a sturdy cardboard box and as soon as I ripped off the tape a strong smell of florals and citrus fruits filled my room. Inside was this neatly wrapped box finished with a bow and a label explaining a bit about each of the products inside.

The products smell absolutely gorgeous, and definitely worthy of being compared to Lush. This gift set is filled with five bath products, including both floral-scented ones containing Jasmine, Rose and Geranium to help you feel calm and relaxed, as well as products with a more tropical, citrus scents to uplift your mood so it is the perfect mix! I have only had the chance to try out one of the products so far; the cute little yellow cupcake which is a Kiwi and Lime Bath Mallow. The scent of it was mouth-watering and true to the name, and it melted away really slowly in my bath and made the water feel nice and silky :)

I can't wait to try out the other products that came in the box, but I would already definitely recommend this as a gift for a female friend or family member (or even yourself!), especially if they are a fan of Lush products or if they just love having a pamper. Not only do the products smell beautiful, but they look super pretty too and are presented so nicely- Plus, this gift set is now reduced to only £8.99! Find Me A Gift sell a huge range of present ideas for both men and women and for lots of different occasions, including birthdays, weddings, Christmas, graduations, anything! They also make personalised gifts if you want to add a special touch to your present :)

If you would like to see what Find Me A Gift have to offer, then check out their website here.

Are you a gift-idea pro or are you rubbish at it like me?
*DISCLOSURE: PR sample. All opinions are still 100% honest and my own.


  1. I wish I had a bathtub.. I'd buy so many of these!

  2. These look incredible! I'm a huge fan of Lush but these actually look more interesting!

  3. These bath bombs are so pretty. I love the green one!

    I don't have many baths any more but these would give me reason too :)

  4. LOL I was imagining the smells as you were describing them! haha

  5. Lovely!! This would make a wonderful gift!!

    Please visit my blog..

    Brittany, xx

  6. Sounds great! I'm always really rubbish at gift ideas so going to keep this in mind! Those bath bombs look beautiful.


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