Sunday, 12 May 2013

Review: Popband.

Hi ladies! Sorry about the lack of posts over the last few days- I haven't been able to find the concentration to sit down and put any blog posts together... I don't know why but recently I've been having trouble sleeping at night; I thought as soon as I finished uni that I would sleep like a baby! And as a result of this I've been feeling so lethargic during the day :(

Anyway, enough of my moaning! Today's post is a review on some little hair accessories that were kindly sent to me by Popband. I have very thick, stubborn hair, and problem that I have always found myself having to deal with is pulling tangled, broken-off pieces of hair from my hair bands after having to wrestle them out of a messy bun- such a nightmare and so, so painful! However, two weeks ago Popband came to my rescue. I have seen hair ties like these before and have really wanted to try them out as I had heard a lot of good things about them. They claim to be gentle on your hair whilst keeping it firmly in place until you want to take it down, and when you do they won't rip your hair out and they also won't leave that annoying kink behind. Plus, they come in lots of different colours and prints with a sparkly bead attached so that they look pretty worn on your wrist as well as in your hair!

Okay, so they might seem a little gimmicky- they're essentially just a piece of elastic tied in to a loop, right?  But I really do think they work and I won't go back to using a regular hair band- I quite like being able to effortlessly (and even better, painlessly!) take my hair out of a pony tail after my gym sessions and not look like I have just rolled out of bed. And if you're a lazy girl like me and like the work done for you where possible, these won't set you back too much, ranging from just £4-£6 with the option of buying a single band or a multi-pack, plus free shipping within the UK! If you'd like to see what Popband has to offer, visit their website here :) 

Don't you just hate the trouble that comes with tight elastic hairbands? Have you tried Popbands?
*DISCLOSURE: PR samples. My opinions are still 100% honest and my own.


  1. Ooo I like the look of these, my hair is awful at getting tangled when I have it up and like you, it is SO painful when you're trying to rip your bobble out! This looks like a great solution xx

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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