Monday, 29 October 2012

Outfit: Fashion Culprit

Dress & Belt: C/O Fashion Culprit* | Jacket: Vintage via. Sweet Monday | Boots: Matalan

Woo, another outfit post! It's almost like a treat for me now whenever I get an opportunity to take outfit photos, although things are a lot less hectic now so hopefully I will be able to get them up more regularly :) 

This dress has been sat in my "to feature" pile for ages so I am glad to finally be able to share it with you. It's the perfect dress for just throwing on and layering up as it's so simple and comfortable, and the rust colour is perfect for Autumn- I love pairing it with this jacket as the colours on the leaves compliment it so well! However, it is a dipped hem dress and the front falls pretty short (even on my tiny 5ft 4 frame!), so it is definitely one to be worn with tights or leggings and avoided on windy days!

Do you own anything from Fashion  Culprit?
*DISCLOSURE: Starred items are PR samples.


  1. I love the jacket, not something I'd pick up myself but it definitely suits you. Also love how it's autumn related ;)

    Keep up the good posting. I'm newly following and I love your posts.

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  2. Love the jacket! Xo

  3. You look stunning, love the jacket too, really suits you!
    Sam xx

  4. Th look is all great. Your ombred hair matches everything as well and the dress is gorgeous!


  5. Love the knit and boots... And from matalan?!

  6. Wow! Gorgeous outfit, love he jacket! Xx

  7. Love the boots! Love the jacket! LOVE YOUR STYLE :)


  8. Love your style!

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