Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Wicker Wings: #BagforBagMission

Wicker Wings Bag in Blake Grey*: £40

It goes to show that something good could come of the awkwardness of taking outfit photos in public places, when James, the founder of Wicker Wings approached me as I posed away in Church Alley, just off the busy Church Street in Liverpool City Centre, on the off chance that I was actually a fashion blogger and not just some random girl having her picture taken in front of Primark.

A week later, we were meeting for a coffee and a business chat, and over a Starbucks Chai Latte and a Mango Passionfruit Juice Blend (can you guess which was mine?), James was clicking away at his Macbook and explaining to me the vision that him and his sister, Belinda have recently brought to life.

As well as wanting to market a unique product targeted at fashionable 18-30 year olds, James and his sister were also passionate about giving back, and fuelled by their belief that education provides the foundation to a great future, their 'Bag for Bag' campaign was born. Ever heard of TOMS 'One for One' mission? Well this is a very similar concept, but with a much more personal touch. When you purchase a bag from Wicker Wings, they will donate a drawstring "bag of inspiration" containing a book plus an inspirational message (written by you), to a child in Asia, which will hopefully inspire them to live a fulfilled and successful life. You will also have donated to Wicker Wings' non-profit partners, The Library Project, who donate books and libraries to under financed schools in rural Asia. 

James very kindly gifted me with my very own wicker bag in Blake Grey (outfit post coming soon). Inspired by their grandmother, who made wicker baskets for a living when she was younger, Wicker Wings bags are totally unique, having been designed by James and Belinda themselves and each one is expertly weaved by hand and finished with a golden metal charm depicting the Wicker Wings logo. Currently available in two colours, Blake Grey and Lulu Brown (named after inspirational figures), James and Belinda wanted to start off their journey with something simple and versatile, but would love to expand their company in to a more vast lifestyle brand and spread their message to a wider audience in the future.

If you would like to read more about Wicker Wings and their mission, you can visit their website here. Also, to learn more about The Library Project, click here.

What do you think of Wicker Wings?

Frances x

*DISCLOSURE: PR sample. All opinions expressed are 100% honest and my own.


  1. Ooooh so pretty! I actually love it! Haha I love how he went up to you, usually when people approach me in the street I just ignore them because I'm rude like that.


  2. This bag is lovely and what a wonderful idea to support children to get an education and to better their lives. They sound like two wonderful people :)
    Sam xx

  3. It sounds like such a lovely idea! And the bag is really nice too. Xoxo

  4. Lovely bag, such a pretty design.



  5. http://beautybubble08.blogspot.com/


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