Monday, 6 October 2014

Wishlist: Bags That Don't Look Like Bags.

[Clockwise from bottom]
Milkshake Clutch Bag: New Look, £12.99
Donut Clutch Bag: New Look, £12.99
Hamburger Clutch Bag: New Look, £12.99
Cat Clutch Bag: eBay, £22.99
Unicorn Clutch Bag: The Whitepepper @ ASOS, £40.00
It has been a long while since I last put together a wishlist, but I have a new obsession that needs addressing. Bags. But not just any bags; I'm talking about bags that don't even look like bags. Since Lulu Guinness' trademark lip-shaped clutch bags took the designer world by storm, it seems that the high street is going mad coming up with their own quirky bag designs and I'd be lying if I said I didn't adore the novelty of it.
 My obsession started on a trip to the Trafford Centre a few weeks ago when I walked in to New Look with the intention of buying a bag big enough to fit my DSLR in, but I left carrying the milkshake clutch bag pictured above instead and decided that a compact digital camera would have to make do for the occasion (sometimes you just gotta make these things work). Nothing gets a conversation started at a bar like being asked for your ID (seventeen forever) and pulling your drivers license out of your giant strawberry milkshake. It makes for fun photographs, too.
Have you spotted any cool, unusually-shaped bags around?
Frances x


  1. These are so cute indeed, I saw the ones from New Look the other day and thought they were the coolest things ever!

    1. They're so cool, right? They have a chocolate bar one now, too! :O x

  2. These are pretty interesting! I'm not sure if I'd ever wear these but I do quite like the Unicorn one, so cute!

    1. They're different aren't they! I'm dying to get my hands on the unicorn one! x

  3. Replies
    1. Me too haha, it's such a fun addition to an outfit! x

  4. I love those New Look clutch bags, they're just so fun and cute!

    Sophie x

    1. Right? They have a chocolate bar one now that I just need in my life! x

  5. Love them all! Milkshake and cat ones are my fav!

    1. I'm dying to have the cat one in my life, it'd be perfect for Halloween too! x


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