Wednesday, 13 August 2014

What's In My Bag?

It has been a long while since I last wrote a "What's In My Bag" post, and since I recently got a new bag I thought it was about time for an update. I got this rather androgynous-looking bag by Mango from House of Fraser*, and whilst it is supposed to be a weekend bag, I thought it was a little on the small side for this purpose but perfect for housing all my every day essentials. It was only as I was preparing this blog post that I realised that men are quite right when they shake their heads at us and say we're like Mary Poppins whilst shoving their keys and their wallet in to their pockets. But when they need a tissue, or a pen, or somewhere to put that bottle of coke that they bought and can't be bothered carrying, who is there to provide? Us!

I haven't photographed all the items that I carry in my bag but I will mention everything that comes with me on a typical day out. Firstly are the things that I never leave the house without; my phone, my keys and my purse/coin purse (you can buy the pug coin purse here!), which houses my I.D., my bank card, my rail card, a handful of my business cards and my money. I also never leave without my Futurocks powerbank- this little box, girls, is a blogger or social media addict's best friend- It will provide your phone with a 200%-300% charge and has saved me from many a boring train journey! A 3 metre iPhone cable and a pair of earphones are also a must.

I usually carry a notebook and pen with me (if only to trick people in to thinking I'm really organised... I'm not.) and when I attend blog-related events or places that I know will have wifi, I like to pop my iPad Mini in my bag as an alternative for social media coverage.

I don't normally carry a lot of beauty items with me, but if I know that I am going somewhere where people will be taking photographs, I'll bring my mascara and my lipstick -if I'm wearing one- for touch-ups (a girl's gotta look good, right?). However I will always have my compact mirror, a lip balm, my Tangle Teezer, a couple of hair ties, a hand sanitizer and a pair of sunglasses (I own about eight pairs of sunglasses and the British weather is unpredictable, so why the heck not?!)

So, that is everything that I currently carry in my bag, except the small heap of train tickets and receipts that seem to compile in the bottom each month! Let me know what your handbag essentials are, and if your fella asks if he can borrow your compact mirror and a tissue because he has popped a spot and it's bleeding everywhere, say no ;)

Frances x

*DISCLOSURE: Starred items are PR samples.


  1. that mini dog pouch is so cute ♥

  2. Ooo I want to get my hands on one of those Futurocks chargers they're fantastic and such a reasonable price! My battery is always running flat, especially when I need my phone to double up as a camera at events! This would solve lots of problems!

    Sarah :)
    Saloca in Wonderland

    1. I am telling you, they are such a life saver! Totally worth it :) xx

  3. lovely post, I always carry a notebook but i never use it! Just for safety!


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