Friday, 22 November 2013

Behind The Scenes at AX Paris.

Hey lovelies!

You may have noticed that I have been a little MIA on the blog lately- I recently started an internship at AX Paris and it has come to my realisation that working 9-5 Monday to Friday isn't proving to be very blogger-friendly! However, I am going to have a major product and outfit photographing session this weekend so that I have some content to blast out during my lunch breaks throughout the next few weeks :)

Meanwhile, I have been busy on all the social networks here in the office, but today I took to the AX Paris blog to give you a sneak peek of the studio shoot I went along to yesterday to capture a few pictures of some of the fabulous new dresses that are coming soon to AX Paris! Click here to read my post :)

Have you spotted anything that you're going to keep your eye out for? My favourite was the navy velvet cold-shoulder swing dress!


  1. Ah, that navy dress is pretty although I don't think it would look that great on me.

  2. Love these photos, the jewellery looks amazing!

  3. How exciting! I don't know why, but I love seeing behind-the-scenes of photos shoots haha.



Please leave a comment, I read every single one and they absolutely make my day! I try to answer all questions but please allow me up to 48 hours to do so! If you have a question you want answering straight away, feel free to email me or contact me via Twitter :) x