Thursday, 18 July 2013

Review: Bass Buds Bass Boomz Portable Loudspeaker.

With the weather being so glorious for the past week or so, I think it is safe to say that everybody has been trying to make the most of it- I know I have been taking every possible opportunity to be outside! It has been perfect for long walks in the park and picnics, and I think that this is a great little gadget to take on these sunny days out!

Bass Buds Bass Boomz are little portable speakers which connect to your phone, tablet or laptop via bluetooth or 3.5mm AUX input lead, meaning you can play your music out loud wherever you are. It is absolutey tiny; fits in one hand, so it is the perfect size for just throwing in your bag. You just need to charge it up for a little while before you go out, and then you are set for up to six hours of play back.

These little things sure do pack a punch for such a small device; they are definitely called Bass Boomz for a reason. However, if you're a little harder to please and you like MEGA volume and bass, you can also purchase multiple Bass Boomz speakers and connect them all together with a splitter cable.

The Bass Boomz speakers come in eight different colours so they're perfect for everybody. I got the girly pink one but I love the purple, red and white too! You can check them out and find out more at the Bass Buds website.

Have you tried Bass Buds portable loudspeakers? How have you been enjoying the sunshine?
*DISCLOSURE: PR sample. My opinions are still 100% honest and my own.


  1. One of my friends has one of these and they're amazing, perfect for travelling and the beach! Pretty colour too :)

    Sophierosehearts x

  2. These look so handy, I love the pink colour. x


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