Thursday, 3 January 2013

Hello, 2013.

So I know this post is a couple of days late but I haven't properly wished you all a Happy New Year yet and after seeing everybody else's New Years resolution posts I feel obliged to do my own!

Firstly, I should start by reflecting on the past year. 2012 was probably the most difficult year of my life so far. You know the feeling, when you get knocked to the ground and then whenever you try to pick yourself up, somebody kicks you back down again? It was that. Too many days last year were spent in bed trying to sleep my days away because facing reality, to put it bluntly, sucked. The only thing that made me happy at one point was blogging, and I didn't even have the energy to do that.
The point I am trying to get to, however, is that despite all the negativity, I am still here and I still find things to smile about. I have learned so much and I am striving to be a stronger person. I have learnt that there will always be the people who just don't want you to be happy. Sluts who can't maintain their own relationships so they ruin other people's, bitchy girls who have nothing nice or true to say about you to your face or behind your back, men who only care to please themselves (in more way than one). But these people will always get what they deserve in the end, so don't worry about it. It's the people who are always there for you and make you smile that matter.

 Some of my best memories of 2012 were made with a group of friends I spent most weekends of the summer with. We don't see each other much any more with work and university now but our crazy nights out (and nights in!) will always be one of my favourite memories.
Of course blogging was a big part of 2012. This time last year I had just hit 100 followers... Never did I think that a year later I would have over 10x that! I feel honoured to have been able to collaborate with so many lovely brands and attend meetups and events where I have met lots of other bloggers. One blogging memory that particularly stands out to me and that I am so proud of is when I had the opportunity to fly out to Calvi in France with Diesel for the Calvi on the Rocks music festival which they were sponsoring (see blog posts here). I had never travelled out of the country alone before so I was really nervous, but it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life and I wouldn't hesitate to go back.

So, resolutions time. Well, I don't like calling them resolutions as I never stick to them, but I like to compile a list of things that I would like to achieve throughout the year and then look back and see what I have managed to achieve. In 2013, I would like to:

  • Graduate from university with a 2:1.
  • Learn how to drive.
  • Blog for another year (this doesn't even need to go on the list, haha!)
  • Start making YouTube videos to go alongside my blog.
  • Start making/playing music again and hopefully pluck up the courage to play some gigs.
Finally, I want to wish you all the best for 2013 and may it be the best year ever for all of us. Thank you for following me, reading my blog posts and leaving me lovely comments because I can honestly say that without the support that I have received, I would have given up long ago. 
So here's to an amazing year and I will leave you with some of my favourite pictures from 2012.


  1. lovely pictures! happy new year and i hope you do youtube videos!:)

    1. Thanks lovely! I will definitely start making YouTube videos soon! x

  2. Great pictures! I hope you will have an amazing year too! :)
    Sofia x

  3. People can be assholes. You'll find people that share your values in time. Don't let the others get you down in the process.

    I look forward to your videos!

    1. They can :( Ah well eh, they'll never win! Thanks lovely :) x

  4. I love these kind of posts!
    Hope your 2013 is better than 2012 :-)

  5. It was great went I met you at the Ifabbo event! Happy new year x

    1. Ahh that day was so much fun, even though it was boiling hot in that room haha! x

  6. Happy New Year lovely, I hope 2013 is full of great things and that you have a much better year :)
    Poppy @ lets drive far away

  7. Wow 2012 sounds amazing, hope 2013 is even better :)

    Sophierosehearts x

  8. You have some amazing moments in 2012, and your resolutions are all amazing, I want to pass my driving test as well


    1. I can't deny that 2012 had some really good moments :) Ahh, here's to us being able to drive by 2014! x

  9. Look like you had fun in 2012, the photos are great. Hope 2013 is better for you
    Daniella x

  10. Start making youtube videos is on my to-do list too! :)

    Sandra from The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

  11. Lovely photos! Good luck in 2013 and graduating university!

    1. Thank you lovely! I can't wait to graduate :) x


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