Wednesday 17 December 2014

Travel: Mocks #WhatsYourAdventure.

I like to think of myself as a bit of adventurer. Well, an adventurer in the making. Whilst my current  situation doesn't allow for me to do as much travelling as I would like to, I love exploring new places, researching exciting things to do abroad and you can bet your life I have a bucket list as long as my arm that I would love to start ticking off as I progress through life.
One place that I find I neglect, however, is the UK itself. Living here for your entire life means that you forget that places other than the streets you are familiar with exist and I hadn't even thought about the fact that I have never visited our Northernmost country in my 22 years, until Mocks contacted me asking if I fancied a Christmas adventure to Scotland's capital with Statesman Rail* as part of their #whatsyouradventure campaign.

Last Saturday, equipped with a pair of Mocks each, a polaroid camera to capture some moments (lots of snaps coming to my Instagram soon) plus a hamper of tea and biscuits to see us through the four-and-a-half hour train journey, my mum and I were welcomed upon the Statesman rail train at Warrington Bank Quay station. Admittedly I'm not brilliant at early starts, and after a wake-up call of 6AM I slept through most of the train journey, but woke up on time to witness the beauty of the hills and lakes from Cumbria upwards.

The only con about getting the Statesman Rail train to Edinburgh is that the long journey leaves you with under four hours to explore the city, and I hadn't quite anticipated how busy Edinburgh would be on a Saturday so close to Christmas, so our visit ended up feeling quite rushed. However, that didn't stop us from making the most of the time we had, taking a small hike up to Edinburgh Castle and enjoying the view overlooking the city of Edinburgh, checking out the tourist-y shops down the beautiful cobbled allies and consuming my weight in steak rolls, hot cider and nutella crepes in the German-style Christmas markets.
Thank you very much to Mocks for sending me on a Christmas adventure and inspiring me to go on more adventures in my own homeland. Edinburgh is a place that I would definitely like to visit again in the Summer when the weather is nicer and we have more time to explore everywhere that the city has to offer.
Have you been to Edinburgh?
Do you have any adventures planned in the new year?
Frances x
*DISCLOSURE: This trip was kindly planned and paid for by Mocks. All opinions expressed are 100% honest and my own.


  1. What an amazing experience!! I have never been, but always wanted to. Have no plans but might actually have a look into something as this has inspired me :) xo

  2. Edinburgh is on my to-go list! It looks like such a beautiful place and everyone I know who has been have come back saying what a wonderful place it is! I'm hoping to find a way of getting there next year for a cheeky weekend get away!

    Sarah :)
    Saloca in Wonderland

  3. Stunning pictures, I've never been to Edinburgh to visit only passed through it but it looks so beautiful! I'm a new follower and cant wait to hear more from you.

  4. very nice post. very gorgeous pictures, hope you had fun :)
    very inspiring blog
    lets follow eachother! just let me know and I will follow back :)


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