Saturday, 21 June 2014

Behind the Scenes: Mocks Road Trip Photo Shoot.

Last week I was invited along to join the Mocks team and have a behind-the-scenes nosy at their fashion shoot in Wales. Mocks are a new take on moccasin-style shoes with a more up-to-date edge to them, available in an array of colours and designs and giving subtle nods to the designer world but without the designer price tag, with some of their models featuring Louboutin-esque red soles or Vivienne Westwood-style bows. Made with a waterproof and 90 degree washable "mocklite material" and coolmax technology to keep your feet feeling fresh all day, these shoes are becoming a staple Summer piece (can I also just add that they smell nice?!).

With the photo shoot based around the idea of a Summer road trip, the locations chosen were perfect. Accompanied by Jessie the VW Campervan (which was my mode of transport for the entire trip- I was living the dream, guys), our four gorgeous models and the lovely photographer for the shoot, Katie worked their magic at capturing essence of the adventures of four friends in the British countryside. Of course, a shoot in the British countryside wouldn't be legit without having to take cover under a gazebo when the heavens decided to open and running out to capture a few shots in the ten minute intervals that the grey clouds would part to give us a little bit of sunshine. Despite the unpredictable weather, however, the team trooped on and made the most of the showers torrential downpours by capturing some impromptu "running-from-the-rain" shots (I couldn't help feeling sorry for the models dressed in shorts and crop tops, it isn't always glamorous, you know!)- besides, it was a chance to show off the Mocks in all their waterproof glory!

After a ten hour day, it was wrap up time and we headed off for dinner and to spend the night in Pontins, which although it hasn't changed a single bit since I last visited back in the '90s and is now dubbed the ghetto of all holiday parks, took me on a nostalgic trip back to my childhood. Honestly though, who didn't love Pontins when they were eight?

The weather took our side a little more on day two of the shoot, just as well as we were shooting on Talacre Beach and we had spent the evening praying that the rain had passed. Fortunately it had and we had blue skies and dry sand dunes to accompany the picnic shoot which I did a great job of eating the props for. Overall, the second day was a lot more relaxed and everybody had a bit more fun- plus tying balloons to the back of bicycles and attempting to ride them in the sand calls for a lot of laughs!

After around twenty hours of prepping and shooting, hundreds of photos and at least thirty pairs of Mocks later, it was time to call it a day. Thanks so much to the Mocks team for taking me along on their shoot; I love to experience on-location shoots first hand and it was great to get to know the team who did an amazing job- I can't wait to see the shots!

Have you heard of Mocks before?

Frances x


  1. I've seen mocks around, and my poor taste in shoes is YEARNING to own a pair hahahaa.

  2. Looks like you had a fantastic time, the shoot looked like so much fun! Really liking the look of the Mocks too, will have to check them out!

    Sarah :)
    Saloca in Wonderland

  3. i hadn't heard of them, they look great!


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