Monday, 3 February 2014

Jewellery & Accessories @ Chic La Chic.

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Rose Gold Triangle Drop Collar Torc: £30.00*

As somebody who hates taking forever to get ready, if there's one thing I love to do when it comes to fashion it's throw on something really plain and simple and then make it look like I've put in all the effort by adding a few pieces of statement jewellery. Chic La Chic have provided me with some of my favourite pieces, including this three-row snake chain necklace of which the weave of nicely weighted gold and metallic black chains makes it easy to team with other pieces of jewellery as it softens the blow of mixing metals. Many of Chic La Chic's pieces are tribal-inspired, and consist largely of torcs, triangles and arrowheads which definitely add a unique touch to any outfit. More recently, Chic La Chic have introduced handbags to their range and although this quilted bag with shiny gold hardware has become my staple bag for carrying around all my essentials over the past month (it's holding up really well, too, might I add!), I am definitely lusting over this leather and suede number.

Are you a fan of statement jewellery? Have you checked out Chic La Chic?
Frances x

*DISCLOSURE: PR samples. My opinions are still 100% honest and my own.


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